The EdgeStump class encapsulates a single edge. It represents either a list node in the adjacency list of a graph or an array field if edges are stored in an array.
EdgeStump<TCargo, bool TList, bool TSource, bool TId, TSpec>
The cargo type of an edge.
Metafunctions: Cargo
Default: void
Remarks: The cargo can be used to store arbitrary information with an edge.
Boolean value that indicates whether it is a list node or not.
Default: true
Remarks: If it is a list node it has one or two next pointers.
Boolean value that indicates whether the source is stored in the EdgeStump or not.
Default: false
Remarks: If this value is true and it is a list node an additional source next pointer is present.
Boolean value that indicates whether an id is stored in the EdgeStump or not. Note: Without edge ids external property maps do not work for edges!
Default: true
The specializing type.
Metafunctions: Spec
Default: Default, see Default.
CargoType of additional data stored in an object.
EdgeIdHandlerType of an object that represents an Id Manager.
SpecThe spec of a class.
VertexDescriptorType of an object that represents a vertex descriptor.
assignCargoAssigns a new cargo to the edge.
assignNextSAssigns another EdgeStump to the next source pointer.
assignNextTAssigns another EdgeStump to the next target pointer.
assignSourceAssigns a source vertex to an edge.
assignTargetAssigns a target vertex to an edge.
cargoAccess to the cargo.
getCargoGet method for the edge cargo.
getNextSGet method for the next source pointer.
getNextTGet method for the next target pointer.
getSourceGet method for the source.
getTargetGet method for the target.
nextSAccesses the next source pointer.
nextTAccesses the next target pointer.
targetAccesses the target of an EdgeStump.
The default EdgeStump in all graph types does not consider a cargo. However, in default usage every graph does store an edge id. Edge ids are used to append additional properties to edges with the help of external property maps.
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