Holds a collection of objects of a specific type, where each object represents the frequency (absolute or relative probability) of a particular residue which is a member of a fixed sequence alphabet.
FrequencyDistribution<TValue[, TSpec]>
The type of sequence which is considered.
Metafunctions: Value
Types: AminoAcid, Dna
The type of probability distribution.
Metafunctions: Spec
Default: double
Remarks: It is preferable to use double.
IteratorType of iterator objects that are used to traverse the container.
PositionType of an object that represents a position in a container.
SizeType of an object that is suitable to hold size information.
SpecThe spec of a class.
ValueType of the items in the container.
absFreqOfLettersInSeqCounts the number of times each residue of a fixed sequence alphabet occurs in a given sequence.
absFreqOfLettersInSetOfSeqsCounts the number of times each residue of a fixed sequence alphabet occurs in a given set of sequences.
addValueAdds a value of a specific type to each element of a given FrequencyDistribution object.
backgroundFrequencyDetermines the background letter frequencies in a given dataset
beginThe begin of a container.
clearResets an object.
completeProfileConcatenates the background frequency with the profile for the motif component.
convertResidueToFrequencyDistCoverts a residue to a frequency distribution (profile).
endThe end of a container.
lengthThe number of items/characters.
logarithmizeLogarithmizes each element of a given FrequencyDistribution object.
normalizeDetermines the normalized frequencies.
posOfMaxDetermines the residue position in a given FrequencyDistribution object with the maximum frequency.
sumDetermines the sum of all frequencies in a given FrequencyDistribution object.
The number of objects in FrequencyDistribution equals the size of the sequence alphabet.
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