Stores the gaps in a gapped sequences.
Gaps<TSource, TSpec>
Type of the ungapped sequence.
Metafunctions: Source
The specializing type.
Metafunctions: Spec
GetValueType for reading values.
IteratorType of iterator objects that are used to traverse the container.
PositionType of an object that represents a position in a container.
ReferenceReference type.
SourceThe underlying sequence for alignments or gaps data structures.
SpecThe spec of a class.
ValueType of the items in the container.
assignSourceAssigns the source to a new value.
beginThe begin of a container.
clearGapsRemove blanks from a gapped sequence.
countGapsCount blanks at a specific position in a gapped sequence.
createSourceCreates a new source.
dependentSourceTest if object depends from it's source.
detachMakes an object independent from other objects.
emptySourceTest if there is a source.
endThe end of a container.
getValueAccess to the value.
idA value that identifies the underlying sequence.
insertGapInsert one blank into a gapped sequence.
insertGapsInsert blanks into a gapped sequence.
isGapTest a gapped sequence for gaps at a specific position.
lengthThe number of items/characters.
moveSourceMoves the source to a new value.
removeGapRemoves one blank from a gapped sequence.
removeGapsRemoves blanks from a gapped sequence.
setSourceLet an external object be the source.
sourceThe source of an object.
sourceBeginBegin of the source segment.
sourceEndEnd of the source segment.
sourceSegmentThe used part of the source.
valueReference to the value.
The gaps are stored separately from the sequence. The ungapped sequence is called the source of the gaps object. Gaps either stores the source (then it is the owner of the source), or refers to an external source (then it is dependent).
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