For more convenience, SeqAn defines some shortcuts for often used data types.
CharIteratorIterator for CharString.
Dna5IteratorIterator for Dna5String.
DnaIteratorIterator for DnaString.
IupacIteratorIterator for IupacString.
PeptideIteratorIterator for Peptide.
UnicodeIteratorIterator for UnicodeString.
Dna5StringComplementModifier for the complement of a Dna5String.
Dna5StringReverseModifier for the reverse of a Dna5String.
Dna5StringReverseComplementModifier for the reverse complement of a Dna5String.
DnaStringComplementModifier for the complement of a DnaString.
DnaStringReverseModifier for the reverse of a DnaString.
DnaStringReverseComplementModifier for the reverse complement of a DnaString.
ModComplementDnaModifier specialization type for the complement of Dna alphabet sequences.
ModComplementDna5Modifier specialization type for the complement of Dna5 alphabet sequences.
Blosum62Blosum62 scoring matrix.
CharStringA string of char.
Dna5StringA string of Dna5.
DnaStringA string of Dna.
IupacStringA string of Iupac.
PeptideA string of AminoAcid.
UnicodeStringA string of wchar_t.
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