Type of an object that represents a vertex descriptor.
Type T must be a graph. All graphs currently use ids as vertex descriptors.
Return Values
VertexDescriptor type.
addChildAdds a new child vertex to a parent vertex. Optionally a cargo can be attached to the parent-child edge.
addEdgeAdds a new edge to the graph, either with or without cargo.
addEdgesShortcut to add multiple edges at once. Creates vertices implicitly.
addVertexAdds a new vertex to the graph.
assignBeginStateAssigns a begin state.
assignEmissionProbabilityAssigns a new emission probability.
assignEndStateAssigns an end state.
assignPropertyAssigns a property to an item in the property map.
assignRootAssigns a new root vertex to the automaton.
assignTransitionProbabilityAssigns a new transition probability.
bellman_ford_algorithmComputes shortest paths from a single source in a graph.
breadth_first_searchImplements a breadth-first search on a graph.
childVertexReturns the child vertex of an edge.
collectLeavesReturns all leaves underneath a given vertex.
dag_shortest_pathComputes shortest paths from a single source in a directed acyclic graph (DAG).
degreeNumber of incident edges for a given vertex.
dijkstraComputes shortest paths from a single source in a graph.
emissionProbabilityReturns a reference to the emission probability.
findEdgeFinds an edge.
findVertexFinds a vertex given a sequence id and a position.
ford_fulkersonComputes a maximum flow in a directed graph.
fragmentBeginGets the begin position for this vertex descriptor in the sequence.
fragmentLengthGets the length of the label of a given vertex descriptor in the sequence.
getEmissionProbabilityReturns the emission probability.
getPropertyGet method for an item's property.
getRootGet method for the root of a tree or an automaton.
getSuccessorGets the successor for a given vertex and an edge label. For an automaton a single character is required whereas for a word graph getSuccessor takes a string.
getTransitionProbabilityReturns the transition probability.
inDegreeNumber of incoming edges for a given vertex.
isLeafTests whether a given vertex is a leaf or not.
isRootTests whether a given vertex is the root or not.
kruskals_algorithmComputes a minimum spanning tree on a graph.
labelGets the label that is associated with this vertex descriptor.
numChildrenNumber of children of a given tree vertex.
outDegreeNumber of outgoing edges for a given vertex.
parentVertexReturns the parent vertex of an edge.
parseStringParses a string one character at a time and moves accordingly in the automaton.
prims_algorithmComputes a minimum spanning tree on a graph.
propertyAccesses the property of an item in the property map.
removeAllChildrenRemoves all children from the tree given a parent.
removeChildRemoves a child from the tree given a parent.
removeEdgeRemoves an edge from the graph. For automatons a label is required.
removeInEdgesRemoves the incoming edges of a given vertex.
removeOutEdgesRemoves the outgoing edges of a given vertex.
removeVertexRemoves a vertex.
rootGets a reference to the root of the tree.
sequenceIdGets the sequence id that is associated with this vertex descriptor.
sourceVertexReturns the source vertex of an edge.
targetVertexReturns the target vertex of an edge.
transitionProbabilityReturns a reference to the transition probability.
The vertex descriptor is a unique handle to a vertex in a graph. It is used in various graph functions, e.g., to add edges, to create OutEdge Iterators or to remove a vertex. It is also used to attach properties to vertices.
VertexDescriptor<Graph<> >::Type vD; //vD is a vertex descriptor
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