Class Specialization
A string set storing the concatenation of all strings within one string.
StringSet<TString, Owner<ConcatDirect<> > >
The string type.
Types: String
Specialization of
SAValueThe default alphabet type of a suffix array, i.e. the type to store a position of a string or string set. (StringSet)
appendValueAppends a value to a container. (StringSet)
assignValueByIdAdds a new string to the StringSet and returns an id. (StringSet)
beginThe begin of a container. (StringSet)
clearResets an object. (StringSet)
completeProfileConcatenates the background frequency with the profile for the motif component. (StringSet)
convertPatternToProfileConverts a pattern into a profile which consists of a set of frequency distributions. (StringSet)
convertSetOfPatternsToProfileConverts a set of sequence patterns into a profile. (StringSet)
createCountArrayBuilds an index on a StringSet storing how often a q-gram occurs in each sequence. (StringSet)
determineConsensusSeqDetermines the consensus pattern of a given profile. (StringSet)
displayDisplays a given set of strings. (StringSet)
emRepresents the EM algorithm as used by MEME. (StringSet)
endThe end of a container. (StringSet)
expectationComputes the expectation for a set of patterns w.r.t. a set of text strings and a MarkovModel (StringSet)
findMotifRepresents the main function which is used to start the search for noticeable motif patterns. (StringSet)
generateSequenceGenerates random state and alphabet sequences of a given HMM. (StringSet)
getValueByIdRetrieves a string from the StringSet given an id. (StringSet)
globalAlignmentComputes the best global alignment of the two sequences. (StringSet)
idToPositionRetrieves the position of a string in the StringSet given an id. (StringSet)
iterIterator to item at given position. (StringSet)
lengthThe number of items/characters. (StringSet)
localAlignmentComputes the best local alignment of two sequences. (StringSet)
matchRefinementRefines (i.e. cuts into smaller parts) a set of pairwise segment matches in such a way that none of the segments partly overlap. They are either identical (fully overlapping) or non-overlapping. Refines (i.e. cuts into smaller parts) a set of pairwise segment matches in such a way that none of the segments partly overlap. They are either identical (fully overlapping) or non-overlapping. (StringSet)
multiLocalAlignmentComputes multiple local alignments of two sequences. (StringSet)
normalizeDetermines the normalized frequencies. (StringSet)
positionToIdRetrieves the id of a string in the StringSet given a position. (StringSet)
removeValueByIdRemoves a string from the StringSet given an id. (StringSet)
resizeChanges the length. (StringSet)
setStringsLoads the sequences of a stringset into an alignment. (StringSet)
stringSetLimitsRetrieves a string of delimiter positions of a StringSet which is needed for local<->global position conversions. (StringSet)
valueReference to the value. (StringSet)
valueByIdRetrieves a string from the StringSet given an id. (StringSet)
varianceComputes the variance for a set of patterns w.r.t. a set of text strings and a MarkovModel (StringSet)
zscoreComputes the z-score index for a set of patterns w.r.t. a set of text strings and a MarkovModel (StringSet)
The strings are internally stored in a TString object and the character position type is a a single integer value between 0 and the sum of string lengths minus 1.
The position type can be returned or modified by the meta-function SAValue called with the StringSet type.
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