Class Specialization
Directed graph
A directed graph that stores the edges in an adjacency list.
A directed graph.
Directed graph
Graph<Directed<TCargo, TSpec> >
The cargo type that can be attached to the edges.
Metafunctions: Cargo
Default: void
Remarks: Use Cargo to get the cargo type of a directed graph.
The specializing type for the graph.
Metafunctions: Spec
Default: Default, see Default.
Remarks: Use WithoutEdgeId here to omit edge ids. Note: If edges do not store ids external property maps do not work.
Specialization of
AlphabetAccess to the Alphabet type. (Graph)
CargoType of additional data stored in an object. (Graph)
EdgeDescriptorType of an object that represents an edge descriptor. (Graph)
EdgeIdHandlerType of an object that represents an Id Manager. (Graph)
EdgeTypeEdge type of a graph object. (Graph)
HostType of the object a given object depends on. (Graph)
IteratorType of iterator objects that are used to traverse the container. (Graph)
SpecThe spec of a class. (Graph)
VertexDescriptorType of an object that represents a vertex descriptor. (Graph)
addEdgeAdds a new edge to the graph, either with or without cargo. (Graph)
addEdgesShortcut to add multiple edges at once. Creates vertices implicitly. (Graph)
addVertexAdds a new vertex to the graph. (Graph)
all_pairs_shortest_pathFinds shortest paths between all pairs of vertices in a graph.
bellman_ford_algorithmComputes shortest paths from a single source in a directed graph.
breadth_first_searchImplements a breadth-first search on a graph.
clearResets an object. (Graph)
clearEdgesRemoves all edges in a graph. (Graph)
clearVerticesRemoves all vertices in a graph. (Graph)
dag_shortest_pathComputes shortest paths from a single source in a directed acyclic graph (DAG).
degreeNumber of incident edges for a given vertex. (Graph)
depth_first_searchImplements a depth-first search on a graph.
dijkstraComputes shortest paths from a single source in a graph.
emptyTest a container for being empty. (Graph)
findEdgeFinds an edge. (Graph)
floyd_warshallFinds shortest paths between all pairs of vertices in a graph.
ford_fulkersonComputes a maximum flow in a directed graph.
getAdjacencyMatrixReturns an adjacency matrix representation of the graph. (Graph)
inDegreeNumber of incoming edges for a given vertex. (Graph)
numEdgesNumber of edges in a graph. (Graph)
numVerticesNumber of vertices in a graph. (Graph)
outDegreeNumber of outgoing edges for a given vertex. (Graph)
removeEdgeRemoves an edge from the graph. For automatons a label is required. (Graph)
removeInEdgesRemoves the incoming edges of a given vertex. (Graph)
removeOutEdgesRemoves the outgoing edges of a given vertex. (Graph)
removeVertexRemoves a vertex. (Graph)
resizeEdgeMapInitializes an edge map (Graph)
resizeVertexMapInitializes a vertex map. (Graph)
sourceVertexReturns the source vertex of an edge. (Graph)
strongly_connected_componentsDecomposes a directed graph into its strongly connected components.
targetVertexReturns the target vertex of an edge. (Graph)
topological_sortPerforms a topological sort on a directed acyclic graph (DAG).
transitive_closureDetermines whether there is a path between any two given vertices or not.
transposeTransposes a graph, either in-place or from source to dest. (Graph)
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