Stores multiple CommandLineOption objects and parses the command line arguments for these options.
Include Headers
Member Functions
addHelpLineAdds an extra line of text below the help text of an option.
addLineAdds a line of text to the help output of the CommandLineParser.
addOptionAdds a CommandLineOption object to the CommandLineParser.
addSectionAdds a new section the help output of the CommandLineParser.
addTitleLineAdds a line of text to the title output of the CommandLineParser.
addUsageLineAdds a line of text to the usage output of the CommandLineParser.
addVersionLineAdds a line of text to the version output of the CommandLineParser.
argumentCountReturns the count of passed arguments.
getArgumentValueReturns an argument set on the command line.
getArgumentValuesReturns all arguments set on the command line.
getOptionValueLongRetrieves the value of a long-name option given on the command line.
getOptionValueShortRetrieves the value of a short-name option given on the command line.
getOptionValuesLongReturns all values of a long-name option given on the command line.
getOptionValuesShortReturns all values of a short-name option given on the command line.
hasOptionLongReturns whether a certain long-name option is registered in the parser.
hasOptionShortReturns whether a certain short-name option is registered in the parser.
helpPrints the complete help message for the parser to a stream.
isSetLongReturns whether a long-name option was set on the parsed command line.
isSetShortReturns whether a short-name option was set on the parsed command line.
parseParses the command line.
requiredArgumentsSets the number of arguments (non-parameterized options) are required by the program.
shortHelpPrints a short help message for the parser to a stream
versionPrints a version text to a stream.
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