Class Specialization
Transforms the characters of the THost string/iterator using a custom function.
ModifiedIterator<THost, ModView<TFunctor> >
ModifiedString<THost, ModView<TFunctor> >
Include Headers
Original string/iterator.
Types: Iterator
A unary function (see STL's unary_function).
Remarks: The argument type of TFunctor must be VALUE<THost>::Type.
The Value type of this modifier is the result type of TFunctor.
HostType of the object a given object depends on. (ModifiedString)
IsSequenceDetermines whether a container stores its elements in sequential order. (ModifiedString)
IteratorType of iterator objects that are used to traverse the container. (ModifiedString)
SizeType of an object that is suitable to hold size information. (ModifiedString)
assignValueAssigns value to item. (Iterator)
assignValueAssigns value to item. (Iterator)
atBeginDetermines whether an iterator is at the beginning position. (Iterator)
atEndDetermines whether an iterator is at the end position. (Iterator)
backThe last item in container. (Container)
beginThe begin of a container. (Container)
beginPositionBegin position of object in host. (Container)
endThe end of a container. (Container)
endPositionEnd position of object in host. (Container)
frontThe first item in container. (Container)
getValueAccess to the value. (Iterator)
getValueAccess to the value. (Iterator)
goBeginIterates to the first position of a container. (Iterator)
goEndIterates to the last position of a container. (Iterator)
goFurtherIterates some steps further. (Iterator)
goNextIterates to next position. (Iterator)
goPreviousIterates to pevious position. (Iterator)
lengthThe number of items/characters. (Container)
moveValueAssigns value to item. (Iterator)
moveValueAssigns value to item. (Iterator)
moveValueAssigns value to item. (Iterator)
positionPosition of an iterator. (Iterator)
positionPosition of an iterator. (Iterator)
valueReference to the value. (Iterator)
ModComplementDnaModifier specialization type for the complement of Dna alphabet sequences.
ModComplementDna5Modifier specialization type for the complement of Dna5 alphabet sequences.
ModComplementRnaModifier specialization type for the complement of Rna alphabet sequences.
ModComplementRna5Modifier specialization type for the complement of Rna5 alphabet sequences.
SeqAn - Sequence Analysis Library -

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