Represent a record from a BAM/SAM file.
Include Headers
While also used to represent SAM records, called BamAlignmentRecord since the data directly reflects a BAM record (0-based positions, identify references by ids, not names, tags stored in BAM format.)
Data Members
beginPosThe position of this fragment mapping (0-based, INVALID_POS for '*').
binThe bin of the alignment, automatically computed when writing BAM.
cigarThe CIGAR string as string of CigarElement objects (empty for '*').
flagThe flag of this mapping, see BamFlags for flag constants and the hasFlag* functions.
INVALID_LENStatic member with invalid/sentinel position value.
INVALID_POSStatic member with invalid/sentinel position value.
INVALID_REFIDStatic member with invalid/sentinel reference id (-1 as in BAM/SAM).
mapQThe mapping quality (255 for '*').
pNextPosition of next fragment mapping (0-based, INVALID_POS for '*')
qNameThe read/query name.
qualString with Phred scores (as in SAM file, empty for '*').
rIDID of reference for this fragment mapping (0-based, INVALID_REFID for '*').
rNextIdID of reference for next fragment mapping (0-based, INVALID_REFID for '*')
seqThe sequence string (empty for '*').
tagsRaw BAM tag string, use BamTagsDict for comfortable access.
tLenThe inferred template size (INVALID_LEN for '*')
Member Functions
bamRecordToAlignmentConvert BamAlignmentRecord to an Align object.
clearResets an object.
getAlignmentLengthInRefReturns length of BamAlignmentRecord's projection in reference.
hasFlagAllProperReturn true if a BamAlignmentRecord has the "all properly aligned" flag set.
hasFlagDuplicateReturn true if a BamAlignmentRecord has the "PCR or optical duplicate" flag set.
hasFlagFirstReturn true if a BamAlignmentRecord has the "first fragment of template" flag set.
hasFlagLastReturn true if a BamAlignmentRecord has the "last fragment of template" flag set.
hasFlagMultipleReturn true if a BamAlignmentRecord has the "multiple" flag set.
hasFlagNextRCReturn true if a BamAlignmentRecord has the "next fragment reverse-complemented" flag set.
hasFlagNextUnmappedReturn true if a BamAlignmentRecord has the "next fragment unmapped" flag set.
hasFlagQCNoPassReturn true if a BamAlignmentRecord has the "does not pass quality controls" flag set.
hasFlagRCReturn true if a BamAlignmentRecord has the "reverse-complemented" flag set.
hasFlagSecondaryReturn true if a BamAlignmentRecord has the "secondary alignment" flag set.
hasFlagUnmappedReturn true if a BamAlignmentRecord has the "fragment unmapped" flag set.
readRecordreads one record (e.g. a single DNA-sequence and its meta data) from a StreamConcept, by the means of RecordReader
See Also
SeqAn - Sequence Analysis Library -

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