An iterator allowing random access.
Concept Definition
Required Metafunctions
DifferenceType of an object that stores the difference between two iterators.
GetValueType for reading values. (IteratorAssociatedTypesConcept)
PointerReturns pointer to an object, required for operator->, for example. (IteratorAssociatedTypesConcept)
ReferenceReference type. (IteratorAssociatedTypesConcept)
ValueType of the items in the container or behind an iterator. (IteratorAssociatedTypesConcept)
Required Functions
atNilTests whether iterator is at nil position.
differenceThe difference between two iterators.
goFurtherIterates some steps further.
goNextIterates to next position. (ForwardIteratorConcept)
goNilMoves iterator to nil position.
goPreviousIterates to pevious position. (BidirectionalIteratorConcept)
operator>C++ built-in greater-than comparison operator.
operator>=C++ built-in greather-than-or-equal comparison operator.
operator<C++ built-in less-than comparison operator. (LessThanComparableConcept)
operator<=C++ built-in less-than-or-equal comparison operator.
operator*C++ built-in multiplication operator. (InputIteratorConcept)
operator+C++ built-in addition operator.
operator++ (prefix)C++ built-in prefix increment operator. (InputIteratorConcept)
operator++ (suffix)C++ built-in suffix increment operator. (InputIteratorConcept)
operator+=C++ built-in addition assignment operator.
operator-C++ built-in subtraction operator.
operator->C++ built-in structure dereference operator. (InputIteratorConcept)
operator-- (prefix)C++ built-in prefix decrement operator. (BidirectionalIteratorConcept)
operator-- (suffix)C++ built-in suffix decrement operator. (BidirectionalIteratorConcept)
operator-=C++ built-in subtraction assignment operator.
operator[]C++ built-in array subscript operator.
RootedRandomAccessIteratorConceptAn iterator that is both rooted and random access, allowing to implement position.
Include Headers
The SeqAn iterators mirror the definitions from ConceptC++.
Implemented by
ModifiedIteratorAllows to modify arbitrary iterators by specializing what differs from an origin.
absFreqOfLettersInSeqCounts the number of times each residue of a fixed sequence alphabet occurs in a given sequence.
absFreqOfLettersInSetOfSeqsCounts the number of times each residue of a fixed sequence alphabet occurs in a given set of sequences.
atNilTests whether iterator is at nil position.
backgroundFrequencyDetermines the background letter frequencies in a given dataset
convertPatternToProfileConverts a pattern into a profile which consists of a set of frequency distributions.
emRepresents the EM algorithm as used by MEME.
getValueAccess to the value. (IteratorAssociatedTypesConcept)
goNextIterates to next position. (ForwardIteratorConcept)
goNilMoves iterator to nil position.
goPreviousIterates to pevious position. (BidirectionalIteratorConcept)
hammingDistanceDetermines the Hamming distance between two sequences.
valueReference to the value. (IteratorAssociatedTypesConcept)
In the following, x is an iterator to type X, t is a valid rvalue of type X, n is a distance type.
The following expressions must be valid.
x += n    // Iterator addition assignment.
x + n     // Iterator addition.
n + i     // Iterator addition.
x -= n    // Iterator subtraction assignment.
x - n     // Iterator subtraction.
x - a     // Difference.
x[n]      // Element operator.
SeqAn - Sequence Analysis Library -

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