SEQAN_ASSERTTest that the given expression can be coerced to true.
SEQAN_ASSERT_EQTest that two given expressions are equal, as defined by the matching call to the operator=(,).
SEQAN_ASSERT_GEQTest that the two given expressions are in the greater-than-or-equal relation as defined by the matching call to operator>=(,).
SEQAN_ASSERT_GTTest that the two given expressions are in the greather-than relation as defined by the matching call to operator>(,).
SEQAN_ASSERT_IN_DELTATest that the given expression can be coerced to true.
SEQAN_ASSERT_LEQTest that the two given expressions are in the less-than-or-equal relation as defined by the matching call to operator<=(,).
SEQAN_ASSERT_LTTest that the two given expressions are in the less-than relation as defined by the matching call to operator<(,).
SEQAN_ASSERT_NEQTest that two given expressions are not equal, as defined by the matching call to the operator!=(,).
SEQAN_ASSERT_NOTTest that the given expression can be coerced to false.
SEQAN_CHECKForce abortion of program if a condition is not met, regardless of debugging settings.
SEQAN_FAILForce abortion of program, regardless of debugging settings.
SEQAN_CONCEPTDefines a new concept.
SEQAN_CONCEPT_ASSERTPerform a concept check.
SEQAN_CONCEPT_IMPLDefines which concepts a model fulfills.
SEQAN_CONCEPT_REFINEDefines a new concept as a refinement of existing concepts.
SEQAN_CONCEPT_USAGEDefine valid expressions.
SEQAN_CTOR_DISABLE_IFBind the visibility of a constructor to an expression.
SEQAN_CTOR_ENABLE_IFBind the visibility of a constructor to an expression.
SEQAN_FUNC_DISABLE_IFBind the visibility of a function to an expression.
SEQAN_FUNC_ENABLE_IFBind the visibility of a function to an expression.
From Outside
SEQAN_HAS_BZIP2If set to 1 then bzlib2 is available, i.e. including <bzlib.h> and linking against libbzip2 works.
SEQAN_HAS_ZLIBIf set to 1 then zlib is available, i.e. including <zlib.h> and linking against libz works.
SEQAN_HAS_BZIP2If set to 1 then bzlib2 is available, i.e. including <bzlib.h> and linking against libbzip2 works.
SEQAN_HAS_ZLIBIf set to 1 then zlib is available, i.e. including <zlib.h> and linking against libz works.
SEQAN_ENABLE_PARALLELISMIndicates whether parallelism is enabled with value 0/1.
SEQAN_OMP_PRAGMAPortable conditional #pragma issuing if OpenMP is enabled.
Testing & Debugging
SEQAN_BEGIN_TESTSUITEExpand to a test suite beginning.
SEQAN_CALL_TESTExpand to calling a test.
SEQAN_CHECKPOINTGenerate a check point.
SEQAN_DEFINE_TESTExpand to test definition.
SEQAN_ENABLE_CHECKPOINTSIndicates whether checkpoints are enabled.
SEQAN_ENABLE_DEBUGIndicates whether debugging is enabled.
SEQAN_ENABLE_TESTINGIndicates whether testing is enabled.
SEQAN_END_TESTSUITEExpand to a test suite ending.
SEQAN_PATH_TO_ROOTReturn path to the checkout root directory (i.e. containing core/extras).
SEQAN_SKIP_TESTForce the test to return without failing and mark it as skipped.
SEQAN_TEMP_FILENAMEGenerates the name to a temporary file.
SEQAN_TYPEDEF_FOR_DEBUG When using typedefs that are only used in debug mode then they have to be marked with macro.
SEQAN_VERIFY_CHECKPOINTSVerify check points for the given file name.
SEQAN_VERSION_MAJORMajor SeqAn revision number.
SEQAN_VERSION_MINORMinor SeqAn revision number.
SEQAN_VERSION_PATCHSeqAn patch revision number.
SEQAN_VERSION_PRE_RELEASEFlag (0/1) to indicate whether this is a pre-release (i.e. SVN version).
SeqAn - Sequence Analysis Library -

Page built @2013/07/11 09:12:15