Class Specialization
A fixed gapped shape.
Shape<TValue, GappedShape<TSpec> >
Include Headers
The Value type of the string the shape is applied to (e.g. Dna).
A structure to store the shape at compile-time.
There are predefined shapes in index/shape_predefined.h. You can simply use them with Shape<TValue, ShapePatternHunter> for example.
Specialization of
HostType of the object a given object depends on. (Shape)
LENGTHNumber of elements in a fixed-size container. (Shape)
SizeType of an object that is suitable to hold size information. (Shape)
ValueType of the items in the container or behind an iterator. (Shape)
ValueSizeNumber of different values a value type object can have. (Shape)
WEIGHTNumber of relevant positions in a shape. (Shape)
Member Functions
ShapeConstructor (Shape)
countOccurrencesReturns the number of occurrences of representative substring or a q-gram in the index text. (Shape)
countOccurrencesMultipleReturns the number of occurrences of a q-gram for every sequence of a StringSet . (Shape)
createCountArrayBuilds an index on a StringSet storing how often a q-gram occurs in each sequence. (Shape)
createQGramIndexBuilds a q-gram index on a sequence. (Shape)
createQGramIndexDirOnlyBuilds the directory of a q-gram index on a sequence. (Shape)
createQGramIndexSAOnlyBuilds the suffix array of a q-gram index on a sequence. (Shape)
getOccurrenceReturns an occurrence of the representative substring or a q-gram in the index text. (Shape)
getOccurrencesReturns all occurrences of the representative substring or a q-gram in the index text. (Shape)
hashComputes a (lower) hash value for a shape applied to a sequence. (Shape)
hash2Computes an unique hash value of a shape applied to a sequence, even if the sequence is shorter than the shape span (Shape)
hash2NextComputes a unique hash value for the adjacent shape, even if it is shorter than q. (Shape)
hash2UpperComputes an upper unique hash value of a shape applied to a sequence, even if the sequence is shorter than the shape span. (Shape)
hashNextComputes the hash value for the adjacent shape. (Shape)
hashUpperComputes an upper hash value for a shape applied to a sequence. (Shape)
indexShapeShortcut for getFibre(.., QGramShape). (Shape)
lengthThe number of items/characters. (Shape)
rangeReturns the suffix array interval borders of occurrences of representative substring or a q-gram in the index text. (Shape)
shapeToStringConverts a given shape into a sequence of '1' (relevant position) and '0' (irrelevant position). (Shape)
valueReference to the value. (Shape)
weightNumber of relevant positions in a shape. (Shape)
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