Example Program
Global Alignments
Computing an optimal global alignment between two sequences.
A tutorial about global alignments.
1//#include <iostream>
3#include <seqan/basic.h>
4#include <seqan/file.h>
5#include <seqan/align.h>
7int main()
9    using namespace seqan;
10    typedef Value<Gaps<Dna5String, ArrayGaps> >::Type TValue;
11    using namespace seqan;
Two DNA sequences that shall be aligned.
13    typedef String<Dna> TSequence;
14    TSequence seq1 = "atcgaatgcgga";
15    TSequence seq2 = "actcgttgca";
Scoring objects are used to define a scoring scheme. In this case, affine gap costs with match = 0, mismatch = -1, gapextend = -1 and gapopen = -2.
16    Score<int> scoringScheme(0, -1, -1, -2);
Example 1: We use Align to align the two sequences. Since we do not specify an algorithm tag when we call globalAlignment, a suitable algorithm (Gotoh) is automatically choosen.
17    Align<TSequence, ArrayGaps> align;
18    resize(rows(align), 2);
19    assignSource(row(align, 0), seq1);
20    assignSource(row(align, 1), seq2);
22    int score = globalAlignment(align, scoringScheme);
23    std::cout << "Score = " << score << std::endl;
24    std::cout << align << std::endl;
Example 2: We now choose explicitely the algorithm MyersHirschberg. Since this algorithm always works on Levenshtein distance, we do not need score.
25    score = globalAlignment(align, MyersHirschberg());
26    std::cout << "Score = " << score << std::endl;
27    std::cout << align << std::endl;
Example 3: We now do the same as in case 1, but now we use an Alignment Graph for storing the alignment. Here we use Gotoh's algorithm.
28    typedef StringSet<TSequence, Dependent<> > TStringSet;
29    typedef Graph<Alignment<TStringSet, void> > TAlignmentGraph;
31    TStringSet string_set;
32    appendValue(string_set, seq1);
33    appendValue(string_set, seq2);
34    TAlignmentGraph alignment_graph(string_set);
36    score = globalAlignment(alignment_graph, scoringScheme, Gotoh());
37    std::cout << "Score = " << score << std::endl;
38    std::cout << alignment_graph << std::endl;
39    return 0;
SeqAn - Sequence Analysis Library - www.seqan.de

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