Example Program
Longest Increasing Subsequence
Longest increasing subsequence code example
A tutorial about the longest increasing subsequence algorithm.
1#include <iostream>
2#include <seqan/graph_algorithms.h>
4using namespace seqan;
6int main() {
Creation of a simple sequence of numbers
7    String<unsigned int> seq;
8    appendValue(seq, 5); appendValue(seq, 3); appendValue(seq, 4);
9    appendValue(seq, 9); appendValue(seq, 6); appendValue(seq, 2);
10    appendValue(seq, 1); appendValue(seq, 8); appendValue(seq, 7);
11    appendValue(seq, 10);
Out-parameter: A string of positions belonging to the longest increasing subsequence
12    typedef Position<String<unsigned int> >::Type TPosition;
13    String<TPosition, Block<> > pos;
Longest increasing subsequence
14    longestIncreasingSubsequence(seq,pos);
Output the longest increasing subsequence
15    for(int i = 0; i<(int) length(seq); ++i) {
16        std::cout << seq[i] << ',';
17    }
18    std::cout << std::endl;
19    std::cout << "Lis: " << std::endl;
20    for(int i = length(pos)-1; i>=0; --i) {
21        std::cout << seq[pos[i]] <<  ',';
22    }
23    std::cout << std::endl;
24    return 0;
SeqAn - Sequence Analysis Library - www.seqan.de

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