TAlignQualityStore (FragmentStore)Type of the alignQualityStore member.
TAlignedReadStore (FragmentStore)Type of the alignedReadStore member.
TAlignedReadTagStore (FragmentStore)Type of the alignedReadTagStore member.
TAnnotationKeyStore (FragmentStore)Type of the annotationKeyStore member.
TAnnotationNameStore (FragmentStore)Type of the annotationNameStore member.
TAnnotationStore (FragmentStore)Type of the annotationStore member.
TAnnotationTypeStore (FragmentStore)Type of the annotationTypeStore member.
TContigFileStore (FragmentStore)Type of the contigFileStore member.
TContigNameStore (FragmentStore)Type of the contigNameStore member.
TContigSeq (ContigStoreElement)Type of the seq member.
TContigStore (FragmentStore)Type of the contigStore member.
TGapAnchors (AlignedReadStoreElement)Type of the gaps member.
TGapAnchors (ContigStoreElement)Type of the gaps member.
TId (AlignedReadStoreElement)Type of all stored ids.
TId (AnnotationStoreElement)Type of annotationId and contigId.
TLibraryNameStore (FragmentStore)Type of the libraryNameStore member.
TLibraryStore (FragmentStore)Type of the libraryStore member.
TMatePairNameStore (FragmentStore)Type of the matePairNameStore member.
TMatePairStore (FragmentStore)Type of the matePairStore member.
TNameStore (BamIOContext)The name store class.
TNameStore (BedIOContext)The name store class.
TNameStore (GffIOContext)The name store class.
TNameStoreCache (BamIOContext)The name store cache class.
TNameStoreCache (BedIOContext)The name store cache class.
TNameStoreCache (GffIOContext)The name store cache class.
TPos (AlignedReadStoreElement)Type of the beginPos and endPos members.
TPos (AnnotationStoreElement)Type of the beginPos and endPos members.
TPos (ContigStoreElement)Type of the fileBeginPos and fileEndPos members.
TReadNameStore (FragmentStore)Type of the readNameStore member.
TReadSeqStore (FragmentStore)Type of the readSeqStore member.
TReadStore (FragmentStore)Type of the readStore member.
TSpec (AlignedReadStoreElement)The specialization type.
TSpec (ContigStoreElement)The specialization type.
TTag (BamHeaderRecord)Pair to use for storing tags.
TTagName (BamHeaderRecord)Type of the tag keys.
TTagValue (BamHeaderRecord)Type of the tag values.
TTags (BamHeaderRecord)Type of the string of tag Pairs.
TValues (AnnotationStoreElement)StringSet type of the values member.
SeqAn - Sequence Analysis Library - www.seqan.de

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