A string of Dna.
Shortcut for
String<Dna, Alloc<> >
determineConsensusSeqDetermines the consensus pattern of a given profile.
readLettersRead characters from stream as long as characters are letters
readNCharsRead exactly n characters from stream into buffer
readNCharsIgnoringWhitespaceRead n characters from stream into buffer, but skip certain Chars
readUntilBlankRead characters from stream into buffer until Blank is encountered
readUntilCharRead characters from stream into buffer until Char is encountered
readUntilOneOfRead characters from stream into buffer until one of the given characters is encountered
readUntilTabOrLineBreakRead characters from stream until a tab or line-break occurs.
readUntilWhitespaceRead characters from stream into buffer until Whitespace is encountered
SeqAn - Sequence Analysis Library -

Page built @2013/07/11 09:12:38