Class Specialization
An index based on a refined array of sorted q-grams.
Index<TText, IndexQGram<TShapeSpec, BucketRefinement> >
Include Headers
The text type.
Types: String
The Shape specialization type.
Note: This can be either a TSpec argument (e.g. SimpleShape) or a complete Shape class (e.g. Shape<Dna, SimpleShape>).
This index refines q-gram buckets by sorting and uses binary search to locate them.
Specialization of
FibreType of a specific container member (fibre). (Index)
SAValueThe default alphabet type of a suffix array, i.e. the type to store a position of a string or string set. (Index)
clearResets an object. (Index)
countOccurrencesReturns the number of occurrences of representative substring or a q-gram in the index text. (IndexQGram)
countOccurrencesMultipleReturns the number of occurrences of a q-gram for every sequence of a StringSet . (IndexQGram)
countSequencesReturn the number of sequences in an index' underlying text. (Index)
createQGramIndexBuilds a q-gram index on a sequence. (IndexQGram)
dirAtShortcut for value(indexDir(..), ..). (IndexQGram)
endThe end of a container. (Index)
getFibreReturns a specific fibre of a container. (Index)
getKmerSimilarityMatrixCreates a matrix storing the number of common q-grams between all pairs of sequences. (IndexQGram)
getOccurrenceReturns an occurrence of the representative substring or a q-gram in the index text. (IndexQGram)
getOccurrencesReturns all occurrences of the representative substring or a q-gram in the index text. (IndexQGram)
getStepSizeReturn the q-gram step size used for index creation. (IndexQGram)
indexBucketMapShortcut for getFibre(.., QGramBucketMap). (IndexQGram)
indexCountsShortcut for getFibre(.., QGramCounts). (IndexQGram)
indexCountsDirShortcut for getFibre(.., QGramCountsDir). (IndexQGram)
indexCreateCreates a specific Fibre. (Index)
indexDirShortcut for getFibre(.., QGramDir). (IndexQGram)
indexRequireOn-demand creation of a specific Fibre. (Index)
indexSAShortcut for getFibre(.., FibreSA). (Index)
indexShapeShortcut for getFibre(.., QGramShape). (IndexQGram)
indexSuppliedReturns whether a specific Fibre is present. (Index)
indexTextShortcut for getFibre(index, FibreText()). (Index)
lengthThe number of characters in the underlying text of the index is returned. (Index)
openThis functions opens an index from disk. (Index)
rangeReturns the suffix array interval borders of occurrences of representative substring or a q-gram in the index text. (IndexQGram)
saveThis functions saves an index to disk. (Index)
setHaystackSets the haystack of a Finder object. (Index)
setStepSizeChange the q-gram step size used for index creation. (IndexQGram)
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