Class Specialization
This index represents a lazy suffix tree, meaning that a path from the tree of the index in only computed, if it is traversed. For details see Giegerich et al., "Efficient implementation of lazy suffix trees".
Index<TText, IndexWotd<> >
Include Headers
The text type.
Types: String
The fibres (see Index and Fibre) of this index are a partially sorted suffix array (see WotdSA) and the wotd tree (see WotdDir).
Specialization of
IndexDfiThe Deferred Frequency Index (see Weese and Schulz, "Efficient string mining under constraints via the deferred frequency index").
FibreType of a specific container member (fibre). (Index)
SAValueThe default alphabet type of a suffix array, i.e. the type to store a position of a string or string set. (Index)
VertexDescriptorType of an object that represents a vertex descriptor.
beginReturns an iterator pointing to the root node of the virtual string tree/trie of an index. The only exception are Postorder iterators, where begin returns an iterator pointing to the leftmost node in the tree/trie.
clearResets an object. (Index)
countSequencesReturn the number of sequences in an index' underlying text. (Index)
endThe end of a container. (Index)
getFibreReturns a specific fibre of a container. (Index)
indexCreateCreates a specific Fibre. (Index)
indexRequireOn-demand creation of a specific Fibre. (Index)
indexSAShortcut for getFibre(.., FibreSA). (Index)
indexSuppliedReturns whether a specific Fibre is present. (Index)
indexTextShortcut for getFibre(index, FibreText()). (Index)
lengthThe number of characters in the underlying text of the index is returned. (Index)
openThis functions opens an index from disk. (Index)
resizeVertexMapInitializes a vertex map.
saveThis functions saves an index to disk. (Index)
setHaystackSets the haystack of a Finder object. (Index)
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