Class Specialization
Represents the Pmsp algorithm of Davila et al.
Note: There are various known problems with the motif finding in SeqAn. We plan to fix this in an upcoming release.
MotifFinder<TValue, Pmsp, TRng>
Include Headers
The type of sequences to be analyzed.
Types: AminoAcid, Dna
The Rng specialization to use for random number generation.
Default: GetDefaultRng<MotifFinderClass>::Type
The Pmsp algorithm is an improvement of the Pms1 algorithm. It examines each possible l-mer of the first input sequence, explores its neighborhood and finally checks whether an l-mer in the neighborhood is a motif instance.
Specialization of
ValueType of the items in the container or behind an iterator. (MotifFinder)
displayResultDisplays all found motif candidates. In the case of the Projection Motif Finder the function displays the consensus pattern of the found motif candidate. (MotifFinder)
findMotifRepresents the main function which is used to start the search for noticeable motif patterns. (MotifFinder)
getMotifGets the motif out of a MotifFinder. If pos is given, the pos-th motif is returned, otherwise the first motif is returned. (MotifFinder)
motifCountGets number of motifs in the MotifFinder. (MotifFinder)
Example Programs
SeqAn - Sequence Analysis Library -

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