Class Specialization
File structure supporting synchronous input/output access.
File<Sync<> >
Include Headers
This class suports pseudo-asynchronous access methods, i.e. the methods to initiate a I/O request return after request completion.
Specialization of
asyncReadAtAsynchronously loads records from a specific position in a file. (File)
asyncWriteAtAsynchronously saves records to a specific position in a file. (File)
cancelCancels an asynchronous request. (File)
closeCloses a file. (File)
flushWaits for all open requests to complete. (File)
openOpens a file, stream, or persistent string. (File)
openTempOpens a temporary file. (File)
readLoads records from a file. (File)
readAtLoads records from a specific position in a file. (File)
resizeResizes a container. If the new length exceeds the old length the new elements are filled with copies of value. (File)
rewindSets the current file pointer to the beginning. (File)
seekChanges the current file pointer. (File)
setEofSets the file end to the current pointer. (File)
sizeGets the file size. (File)
tellGets the current file pointer. (File)
writeSaves records to a file. (File)
writeAtSaves records to a specific position in a file. (File)
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