Class FMIndexConfig
A configuration object that determines the data types of certain fibres of the FMIndex.

Defined in <seqan/index.h>
Signature template <[typename TSpec]> struct FMIndexConfig;

Template Parameters

TSpec The specializating type, defaults to void.

Member Typedef Overview

Member Variable Overview

Member Typedef Detail

typedef TwoLevels<TSpec> TSentinelsSpec;

The TSentinelsSpec determines the type of the sentinels in the FMIndex. In the default FMIndexConfig object the type of TSentinelsSpec is a two level RankDictionary.

typedef WaveletTree<TSpec> TValuesSpec;

The TValuesSpec determines the type of the occurrence table. In the default FMIndexConfig object the type of TValuesSpec is a wavelet tree (WaveletTree).

Member Variables Detail

unsigned FMIndexConfig::SAMPLING

The sampling rate determines how many suffix array entries are represented with one entry in the CompressedSA.