Class Finder
Holds the haystack and a current search context.

All Subcl's PigeonholeFinder, SwiftFinder, SwiftLocalFinder, SwiftSemiGlobalFinder
Defined in <seqan/find.h>
Signature template <typename THaystack[, typename TSpec]> class Finder;

Template Parameters

TSpec The index-algorithm to search with (Optional).Leave empty for online pattern matching (see Pattern).If THaystack is an Index, then TSpec specifies the index search algorithm. Types: Pigeonhole, Swift, Backtracking Default: The result of DefaultFinder
THaystack The haystack type. Types: String, Index

Member Function Overview

Interface Function Overview

Interface Metafunction Overview

Detailed Description

position(finder) returns the position of the current hit in the haystack. If THaystack is a set of strings or an index of a set of strings, then position(finder) returns a Pair (hayNo, pos), in which hayNo is the haystack index and pos the local position of the hit.

To reset the finder object and use it on another text or different text position, use clear(finder) Note that clear(finder) doesn't move the text iterator. To start the search from the beginning or somewhere else in the text, use goBegin or setPosition.


The following example shows how to restart a search from the beginning of a text.

CharString hstck = "I spy with my little eye something that is yellow";
Finder<CharString> finder(hstck);
Pattern<CharString, Horspool> p1("y");
findAll(finder, p1);
goBegin(finder);    // move Finder to the beginning of the text
clear(finder);      // reset Finder
Pattern<CharString, Horspool> p2("t");
findAll(finder, p2);

Demo: Demo.Index Finder StringSet

Demo: Demo.Index Finder

Member Functions Detail

Finder::Finder(); Finder::Finder(other); Finder::Finder(haystack); Finder::Finder(iter);



other Other Finder of the same type (copy constructor).
haystack The haystack to work on, of type THaystack.
iter The iter to work on on, either const or non-const.

Interface Functions Detail

TIter begin(finder[, tag]);

Return begin iterator of the match in the haystack.


finder The Finder to query.
tag The tag to select the iterator type.


TIter The iterator to the begin of the match in the haystack. TIter is the same type as returned by begin(haystack[, tag]) where haystack is the haystack.

TPosition beginPosition(finder);

Return begin position of match.


finder The Finder to query.


TPosition The begin position of the finder. TPosition is the position type of THaystack.

void clear(finder);

Clear the Finder.


finder The Finder to clear.

TIter end(finder[, tag]);

Return end iterator of the match in the haystack.


finder The Finder to query.
tag The tag to select the iterator type.


TIter The iterator to the end of the match in the haystack. TIter is the same type as returned by end(haystack[, tag]) where haystack is the haystack.

TPosition endPosition(finder);

Return end position of match.


finder The Finder to query.


TPosition The end position of the finder. TPosition is the position type of THaystack.

bool find(finder, pattern[, k]);

Search for a Pattern in a Finder object.


finder The Finder object to search through.
pattern The Pattern to search for. For index finders, pattern can also be a text. Types: Pattern, TextConcept.
k Desired minimal score (for approximate matching). k is a number <= 0. Differences are deletions, insertions, and substitutions.


bool true if an occurence was found and false if not.

Repeated calls of this function iterate through all occurences of pattern.


The following example shows how one can search online for a pattern in a haystack. Note that it is neccessary to reset the finder befor searching for another pattern.

#include <seqan/find.h>

using namespace seqan;

int main()
    CharString hstck = "I spy with my little eye something that is yellow";
    Finder<CharString> finder(hstck);

    Pattern<CharString, Horspool> p1("y");

    while(find(finder, p1))
        std::cout << "Hit at position: " << position(finder)<<std::endl;

    goBegin(finder);    // move Finder to the beginning of the text
    clear(finder);      // reset Finder

    Pattern<CharString, Horspool> p2("t");
    while(find(finder, p2))
        std::cout << "Hit at position: " << position(finder)<<std::endl;

The output is as follows.

Hit at position: 4
Hit at position: 12
Hit at position: 22
Hit at position: 43
Hit at position: 8
Hit at position: 16
Hit at position: 17
Hit at position: 29
Hit at position: 35
Hit at position: 38

In contrast to the example above the code below shows how one can use a Finder with an index as base. Again, note that it is neccessary to reset the finder befor searching for another pattern.

#include <seqan/find.h>
#include <seqan/index.h>

using namespace seqan;

int main()
    CharString hstck = "I spy with my little eye something that is yellow";
    Index<CharString, FMIndex<> > index(hstck);
    Finder<Index<CharString, FMIndex<> > > finder(hstck);

    while(find(finder, "y"))
        std::cout << "Hit at position: " << position(finder)<<std::endl;

    clear(finder);      // reset Finder

    while(find(finder, "t"))
        std::cout << "Hit at position: " << position(finder)<<std::endl;

The output is as follows.

Hit at position: 12
Hit at position: 4
Hit at position: 22
Hit at position: 43
Hit at position: 38
Hit at position: 8
Hit at position: 35
Hit at position: 29
Hit at position: 17
Hit at position: 16

bool findBegin(finder, pattern[, limit]);

Search the begin of an approximate match.


finder The Finder object to search through.
pattern The Pattern object to search for. This must be a pattern for approximate string matching.
limit The score limit. The default is the limit used during the last find call, see getScore. All occurences that score at least limit are reported.


bool true indicates a match, false indicates no match.

The function find successfully called be called - that is an end position was found - before calling findBegin to find a begin position.

void goBegin(finder);

Go to the beginning of the text.


finder The finder to reset to the beginning of the text.

void goEnd(finder);

Go to the end of the text.


finder The finder to reset to the end of the text.

THaystack haystack(finder);

Returns the haystack of a Finder.


finder The Finder to query for its haystack.


THaystack The result type can be retrieved using Haystack.

TInfix infix(finder);

Returns the segment of the last found match in the haystack.


finder The Finder to query.


TInfix The Infix of the match in the haystack.

This function works only correct if the begin position of the match was already found, see findBegin

For finders or patterns of filtering algorithms (e.g. @Spec.Swift@) the returned infix is a potential match.

TSize length(finder);

Return the length of the match.


finder The finder to query for its match length.

TPosition position(finder);

Return current position of the finder in the haystack.


finder The Finder to query.


TPosition The current position. TPosition is the position type of the haystack.

void setHaystack(finder, haystack);

Sets the haystack of a Finder object.


finder The finder to set the haystack for.
haystack The haystack to set.

void setPosition(finder, pos);

Sets the position of a finder.


finder The Findre to set the position for.
pos The position to set the finder to.

Interface Metafunctions Detail


Returns the haystack type of a Finder type.

Template Parameters

TFinder The finder to query.


Type The haystack type of TFinder, i.e. THaystack for Finder<THaystack, TSpec>. This is an alias to function host() of the pattern function.