Functions for FASTA and FASTQ I/O.

Grouped Function Overview

Detailed Description

These functions are very low-level. Consider using SequenceStream for an easier to use API.

Grouped Functions Detail

int read2(ids, seqs[, quals], reader, tag);

Defined in
Read a whole FASTA or FASTQ file into StringSet objects.


stream The StreamConcept to read from.
ids The StringSet to read the ids into.
seqs The StringSet to read the sequences into.
quals The StringSet to read the ASCII qualities into.
tags The format selector. Types: Fasta, Fastq


int 0 on success, non-0 value on errors.

int readRecord(id, seq[, quals], stream, tag);

Defined in
Read one FASTA or FASTQ record.


stream The StreamConcept to read from.
id SequenceConcept to read identifier into.
seq SequenceConcept to read sequence into.
quals SequenceConcept to read qualities into.
tag The format selector. Types: Fasta, Fastq


int 0 on success, non-0 value on errors.

int write2(stream, ids, seqs[, quals], tag[, options]);

Defined in
Write FASTA or FASTQ records.


stream The stream to write to. Types: StreamConcept
ids IDs/Metainformation strings to write out. Type: StringSet
seqs Sequences to write out. Type: StringSet
quals ASCII quality characters to write out. Type: StringSet
tag The format selector. Types: Fasta, Fastq
options if not supplied defaults are chosen. Type: SequenceOutputOptions


int 0 on success, non-0 value on errors.

int writeRecord(stream, id, seq[, quals], tag[, options]);

Defined in
Write one FASTA or FASTQ record.


stream The stream to write to. Type: StreamConcept
id ID/Meta information line to write out. Types: SequenceConcept
seq Sequence to write out. Type: SequenceConcept
quals ASCII quality characters to write out. Types: SequenceConcept
tag The format selector. Types: Fasta, Fastq
options if not supplied, defaults are chosen. Types: SequenceOutputOptions


int 0 on success, non-0 value on errors.