Group GFF I/O
I/O functionality for the GFF and GTF file formats.

Grouped Tags Overview

Grouped Function Overview

Grouped Tags Detail

typedef Tag<TagGff_> Gff;

Tag for selecting the GFF format.

typedef Tag<TagGtf_> Gtf;

Tag for selecting the GTF format.

Grouped Functions Detail

int readRecord(record, reader[, context[, tag]]);

Read one GFF/GTF record from a SinglePassRecordReader.


record The GffRecord to write the results to.
reader The SinglePassRecordReader to use for reading.
context The GffIOContext to use for reading. If present then ref will be translated to rID using the reference name store from context.
tag The format to read from, one of Gtf and Gff. Note that the parser transparently parses both GFF and GTF.


int A status code, 0 on success, a different value on failures.

int writeRecord(stream, record[, context[, tag]]);

Writes on GFF/GTF record to a stream.


stream The StreamConcept to write to.
record The GffRecord to write.
context Optional GffIOContext to use for reference ids.


int A status code, 0 on success, a different value on errors.