Group HMM Algorithms
Algorithms on HmmGraph objects.

Grouped Function Overview

Grouped Functions Detail

TCargo backwardAlgorithm(hmm, seq);

Defined in
Given a Hidden Markov Model hmm, the backward algorithm computes the probability of the sequence seq.


hmm The HmmGraph with the HMM to use.
seq Input sequence to use in the backward algorithm.


TCargo The probability of the sequence seq. TProbability is the type parameter TCargo of the type of hmm.

See the Wikipedia article on the Forward-backward algorithm for an introduction to the algorithm itself.

See Also

TCargo forwardAlgorithm(hmm, seq);

Defined in
Given a Hidden Markov Model hmm, the forward algorithm computes the probability of the sequence seq.


hmm The HmmGraph with the HMM to use.
seq Input sequence to use in the forward algorithm.


TProbability The probability of the sequence seq. TProbability is the type parameter TCargo of the type of hmm.


See the Wikipedia article on the Forward algorithm for an introduction to the algorithm itself.

See Also

void generateSequence(hmm, seq, states, numSeq, maxLen);

Defined in
Generates random state and alphabet sequence of a given HMM.


hmm The HmmGraph to use.
seq A StringSet of alphabet sequences.
states A SequenceConcept object of state sequences.
numSeq The number of sequences to generate.
maxLen The maximum length of the sequences. The sequences might be shorter if the ends tate is reached before maxLen.


Because of silent states, generated alphabet and state sequences might have different lengths.

TCargo viterbiAlgorithm(hmm, seq, path);

Defined in
Implements the Viterbi algorithm for Hidden Markov Models.


hmm The HmmGraph to use.
seq Input sequence.
path The state path; String of vertex descriptors.


TCargo Probability of the path, the type parameter TCargo from type of hmm.

The Viterbi algorithm computes the most likely sequence of hidden states of the Hidden Markov Model hmm given the sequence seq using dynamic programming. The result is the most likely sequence of hidden states and returned in path.


See the Wikipedia article on the Viterbi algorithm for an introduction to the algorithm itself.

See Also