Group Switch Metafunction Types
Tags for the metafunction Switch and the metafunction itself.

Grouped Tags Overview

Grouped Metafunction Overview

Detailed Description


The following shows a complete example of using the Switch statement.

int switchTest(seqan::Nothing const &)
    return -1;

int switchTest(seqan::False const &)
    return 0;

int switchTest(seqan::True const &)
    return 1;

int switchTest(seqan::NilCase const &)
    return 2;

template <int X>
struct SwitchTest
    typedef typename seqan::Switch<
        seqan::Case<-1, seqan::Nothing,
        seqan::Case<0, seqan::False,
        seqan::Case<1, seqan::True
        > > > >::Type Type;

int main()
    typedef SwitchTest<-1>::Type T1;
    typedef SwitchTest< 0>::Type T2;
    typedef SwitchTest< 1>::Type T3;
    typedef SwitchTest< 2>::Type T4;

    std::cout << switchTest(T1()) << "\n"   // => "-1"
              << switchTest(T2()) << "\n"   // => "0"
              << switchTest(T3()) << "\n"   // => "1"
              << switchTest(T4()) << "\n";  // => "2"

    return 0;

Grouped Tags Detail

struct NilCase {};

Tag for terminating the case in Switch statement.

Grouped Metafunctions Detail

template <int TAG, typename TResult, typename TNext> struct Case;

Tag for one case.

Template Parameters

TAG The int tag number to use.
TResult The type to return in Case<...>::Type if matches.
TNext The next Case.

Switch<TAG, TCase>::Type

Switch statement for metaprogramming.

Template Parameters

TAG int with the current value.
TCase First Case statement.


Type The selected type.