Spec JournaledSet
A StringSet storing the strings as members. It can store a global reference sequence to which all members can be journaled if they are of type JournaledString.

Extends StringSet
All Extended StringSet
All Impl'd AssignableConcept, ContainerConcept, DestructibleConcept, ForwardContainerConcept, RandomAccessContainerConcept, ReversibleContainerConcept, SegmentableConcept, SequenceConcept, TextConcept
Defined in <seqan/journaled_set.h>
Signature template <typename TString> class StringSet<TString, Owner<JournaledSet> >;

Template Parameters

TString The string type. Types: String, JournaledString

Member Function Overview

Member Functions Inherited From AssignableConcept

Member Functions Inherited From RandomAccessContainerConcept

Interface Function Overview

Interface Functions Inherited From StringSet

Interface Functions Inherited From AssignableConcept

Interface Functions Inherited From ContainerConcept

Interface Functions Inherited From RandomAccessContainerConcept

Interface Functions Inherited From SegmentableConcept

Interface Functions Inherited From SequenceConcept

Interface Functions Inherited From TextConcept

Interface Metafunction Overview

Interface Metafunctions Inherited From StringSet

Interface Metafunctions Inherited From ContainerConcept

Interface Metafunctions Inherited From SegmentableConcept

Interface Metafunctions Inherited From SequenceConcept

Interface Metafunctions Inherited From TextConcept

Detailed Description

The strings are internally stored in a String<TString> object and the character position type is a Pair (seqNo, seqOfs) where seqNo identifies the string within the string set and seqOfs identifies the position within this string.

The global reference is of type Host<TString>. Only strings of type JournaledString or Host<JournaledString> can be used for the advanced functionality supported by this string set.

Interface Functions Detail

void createHost(stringSet, ref);

Creates the global reference of a JournaledSet.


stringSet The JournaledStringSet that stores the sequences.
ref The new reference sequence of the JournaledSet. Stores a copy of the passed global reference sequence.

THost host(stringSet);

Returns the global reference sequence of a JournaledSet.


stringSet The JournaledStringSet that stores the sequences. Types: JournaledSet


THost Reference to the host.

void join(stringSet, pos, joinConfig);

Joins a JournaledString to a JournaledSet by computing and journaling differences to the global reference sequence.


stringSet The JournaledSet to join to.
pos The position of the JournaledString within the string set.
joinConfig A JoinConfig object that specifies the method and the method's strategy to compute the differences.

void setHost(stringSet, ref);

Sets the global reference of a JournaledSet.


stringSet The string set that stores the sequences. Types: JournaledSet
ref The new reference sequence of the JournaledSet.


Uses an Holder to store a reference to the new global reference sequence instead of copying it.