Class Lexical
Comparator for lexical comparison.

Defined in <seqan/sequence.h>
Signature template <[typename TSpec]> class Lexical;

Template Parameters

TSpec The specializing size type, defaults to size_t.

Interface Function Overview

Detailed Description

This class implement comparator objects that perform (lexical) comparisons between two sequences. The result of the comparison is stored in the data members of the instance and can be accessed by some functions, for example isLess or isEqual.

In most cases, there is no need for an explicite use of comparators, but sometimes this concept provide the opportunity to speed up the code.


This program compares the strings str1 and str2:

if (isLess(str1, str2)) //first comparison
    //str1 < str2
else if (isGreater(str1, str2)) //second comparison
    //str1 > str2
    //str == str2

Using a comparator, the same program only needs one comparison instead of two:

Lexical <> comparator(str1, str2); //comparison is executed here
if (isLess(comparator))
    //str1 < str2
else if (lexGreater(comparator))
    //str1 > str2
    //str == str2

The state of a default constructed Lexical instance is undefined until it is set by a call of compare.

See Also

Interface Functions Detail

void compare(comparator, left, right);

Compares two objects.


comparator Object that stores the results. Types: Lexical
left The first objects.
right The second objects that is compared to left.

See Also

bool isPrefix(left, right); bool isPrefix(comparator);

Test whether a sequence is the prefix of another sequence.


left The first sequence.
right The putative prefix.
comparator A comparator. Types: Lexical


bool true if left is a prefix ofright, false otherwise.

By definition, a sequence is a prefix of itself: hasPrefix("abc", "abc") is true.

bool isEqual(left, right); bool isEqual(comparator);

Operator "==".


left The first parameter.
right The second parameter that is compared to left.
comparator A comparator. Types: Lexical


bool true if left equals right, false otherwise.

bool isGreater(left, right); bool isGreater(comparator);

Operator ">".


left The first parameter.
right The second parameter that is compared to left.
comparator A comparator. Types: Lexical


bool true if left is greater than right, false otherwise.

bool isGreaterOrEqual(left, right); bool isGreaterOrEqual(comparator);

Operator ">=".


left The first parameter.
right The second parameter that is compared to left.
comparator A comparator. Types: Lexical


bool true if left is greater than or equal to right, false otherwise.

bool isLess(left, right); bool isLess(comparator);

Operator "<".


left The first parameter.
right The second parameter that is compared to left.
comparator A comparator. Types: Lexical


bool true if left is less than right, false otherwise.

bool isLessOrEqual(left, right); bool isLessOrEqual(comparator);

Operator "<=".


left The first parameter.
right The second parameter that is compared to left.
comparator A comparator. Types: Lexical


bool true if left is less than or equal to right, false otherwise.

bool isNotEqual(left, right); bool isNotEqual(comparator);

Operator "!=".


left The first parameter.
right The second parameter that is compared to left.
comparator A comparator. Types: Lexical


bool true if left does not equal right, false otherwise.

bool isPrefix(left, right); bool isPrefix(comparator);

Test whether a sequence is the prefix of another sequence.


left The putative prefix.
right The second sequence.
comparator A comparator. Types: Lexical


bool true if left is a prefix ofright, false otherwise.

By definition, a sequence is a prefix of itself: isPrefix("abc", "abc") is true.

TSize lcpLength(left, right); TSize lcpLength(comparator);

Length of the longest common prefix.


left The first sequence.
right The second sequence.
comparator A comparator. Types: Lexical


TSize The length of the longest common prefix of left and right. TSize is the Size type of the left size type.

By definition, a sequence is a prefix of itself: hasPrefix("abc", "abc") is true.