Spec ChainedSeed
Describes a seed with start and end position2 and diagonal upper and lower bounds.

Extends Seed
Implements ContainerConcept
All Extended Seed
All Impl'd AssignableConcept, ContainerConcept, DestructibleConcept
Defined in <seqan/seeds.h>
Signature template <[typename TConfig]> class Seed<ChainedSeed, TConfig>;

Template Parameters

TConfig The configuration to use for the chained seed specialization. Defaults to DefaultSeedConfig.

Member Function Overview

Member Functions Inherited From AssignableConcept

Interface Function Overview

Interface Functions Inherited From Seed

Interface Functions Inherited From AssignableConcept

Interface Functions Inherited From ContainerConcept

Interface Metafunction Overview

Interface Metafunctions Inherited From Seed

Interface Metafunctions Inherited From ContainerConcept

Detailed Description

Diagonals are stored as SeedDiagonal objects.

Member Functions Detail

Seed::Seed(); Seed::Seed(beginPosH, beginPosV, length);



beginPosH Begin position in dat abase (horizontal).
beginPosV Begin position in query (vertical).
length The length of the seed.

Interface Functions Detail

void appendSeed(seed, diagonal);

Adds a digional to a ChainedSeed.


seed The ChainedSeed to which the digonal should be added.
diagonal The SeedDiagional to add to seed.

TReference back(seed);

Returns a reference to the ChainedSeed diagonal.


seed The ChainedSeed to query.


TReference Reference to the last ChainedSeed diagonal. TReference is the reference type of seed.

TIter begin(seed[, tag]);

Returns an iterator to the beginning of the ChainedSeed's diagonals.


seed The ChainedSeed to the begin iterator for.
tag A tag for selecting the type of the iterator, one of Standard and Rooted.

TIter end(seed[, tag]);

Returns an iterator to the end of the ChainedSeed's diagonals.


seed The ChainedSeed to the end iterator for.
tag A tag for selecting the type of the iterator, one of Standard and Rooted.

TReference front(seed);

Returns a reference to the first ChainedSeed diagonal.


seed The ChainedSeed to query.


TReference Reference to first ChainedSeed diagonal. TReference is the reference type of seed.

TSize length(seed);

Returns the number of diagonals in the ChainedSeed.


seed The ChainedSeed to query for its number of diagonals.


TSize The number of diagonals in the ChainedSeed. TSize is the Size type of seed

void truncateDiagonals(seed, first);

Removes diagonals from the given first one to the end of the seed's diagonals.


seed The ChainedSeed to truncate diagonals from.
first An iterator into the ChainedSeed, as returned by Iterator.

Interface Metafunctions Detail

Iterator<TChainedSeed[, Tag]>::Type;

The type for iterating over the diagonals in a seed.

Template Parameters

TChainedSeed The seed to query for the diagonal iterator type.
Tag The tag to select the iterator with. One of Standard and Rooted.


Type Reference to the contained seeds.


Reference to the seed diagonal type.

Template Parameters

TChainedSeed The seed to query for the reference to diagonal values.


Type Reference to the contained seeds.


The type of the diagonals in the ChainedSeed.

Template Parameters

TChainedSeed The seed to query for its diagonal object type.


Type The resulting diagonal seed.