Spec HmmGraph
A grap representing a Hidden Markov Model (HMM).

Extends Graph
All Extended Graph
All Impl'd AssignableConcept, ContainerConcept, DestructibleConcept
Defined in <seqan/graph_types.h>
Signature template <[typename TAlphabet[, typename TCargo[, typename TSpec]]]> class Graph<Hmm<TAlphabet, TCargo, TSpec> >;

Template Parameters

TAlphabet The alphabet of the HMM. Default: Dna.
TCargo The edge cargos. Default: void.
TSpec The specialization type. Default: Default. Use WithoutEdgeIds here to omit edge ids. NB: if edges do not store ids then external property maps do not work.

Member Function Overview

Member Functions Inherited From AssignableConcept

Interface Function Overview

Interface Functions Inherited From Graph

Interface Functions Inherited From AssignableConcept

Interface Functions Inherited From ContainerConcept

Interface Metafunction Overview

Interface Metafunctions Inherited From Graph

Interface Metafunctions Inherited From ContainerConcept

Detailed Description

An HMM is a directed graph with edges labeled with transition probabilities and emission profiles for each vertex. Vertices correspond to states in an HMM.

Interface Functions Detail

void assignBeginState(hmm, v);

Assigns a begin state.


hmm The HmmGraph to assign the begin state of.
v The descriptor of the vertex to assign as begin state.

void assignEmissionProbability(hmm, state, symbol, eProb);

Assigns a new emission probability.


hmm The HmmGraph to query.
state A vertex descriptor with the source state.
symbol The symbol. Type: TAlphabet.
eProb Emission probability to assign.

void assignEndState(hmm, v);

Assigns a end state.


hmm The HmmGraph to assign the end state of.
v The descriptor of the vertex to assign as end state.

void assignSilentStatus(hmm, v, silent);

Assigns a silent status to a state.


hmm The HmmGraph to assign the silent status in.
v Vertex descriptor of the state to assign silent status.
silent A bool with the silent status.

void assignTransitionProbability(hmm, state1, state2, prob); void assignTransitionProbability(hmm, e, prob);

Assigns a new transition probability to an existing edge.


hmm The HmmGraph to get transition probability for.
state1 Assign transition probability from start state1.
state2 Assign probability to target state2.
e Assign probability to edge with this edge descriptor.

TVertexDescriptor beginState(hmm);

Return a reference to the begin state vertex descriptor.


hmm The HmmGraph to get the vertex descriptor of.


TVertexDescriptor A reference to the begin state vertex descriptor.

TCargo emissionProbability(hmm, state, symbol);

Returns a reference to the emissions probability.


hmm The HmmGraph to query.
state A vertex descriptor with the source state.
symbol The symbol. Type: TAlphabet.


TCargo Reference to the emission probability.

TVertexDescriptor endState(hmm);

Return a reference to the end state vertex descriptor.


hmm The HmmGraph to get the vertex descriptor of.


TVertexDescriptor A reference to the end state vertex descriptor.

TVertexDescriptor getBeginState(hmm);

Return the begin state vertex descriptor.


hmm The HmmGraph to get the vertex descriptor of.


TVertexDescriptor The begin state vertex descriptor.

TCargo getEmissionProbability(hmm, state, symbol);

Returns the emissions probability.


hmm The HmmGraph to query.
state A vertex descriptor with the source state.
symbol The symbol. Type: TAlphabet.


TCargo The emission probability.

TVertexDescriptor getEndState(hmm);

Return the end state vertex descriptor.


hmm The HmmGraph to get the vertex descriptor of.


TVertexDescriptor The end state vertex descriptor.

TCargo getTransitionProbability(hmm, state1, state2); TCargo getTransitionProbability(hmm, e);

Returns the transition probability, stored as the cargo.


hmm The HmmGraph to get transition probability for.
state1 Return transition probability from start state1.
state2 Return transition probability to target state2.
e An edge descriptor.


TCargo Return the transition probability.

bool isSilent(hmm, v);

Indicates whether a state is silent or not.


hmm The HmmGraph to query.
v Vertex descriptor of the state to query.


bool true if the state is silent and false if not.

TBoolRef silentStatus(hmm, v);

Return reference to silent status flag.


hmm The HmmGraph to assign the silent status in.
v Vertex descriptor of the state to assign silent status.


TBoolRef Reference to bool silent status flag.

TCargo getTransitionProbability(hmm, state1, state2); TCargo getTransitionProbability(hmm, e);

Returns a reference to transition probability, stored as the cargo.


hmm The HmmGraph to get transition probability for.
state1 Return transition probability from start state1.
state2 Return transition probability to target state2.
e An edge descriptor.


TCargo Returns a reference to the transition probability.