Spec Log-Normal Pdf
Log-normal probability density function.

Extends Pdf
All Extended Pdf
Defined in <seqan/random.h>
Signature template <> class Pdf<LogNormal>;

Member Function Overview

Interface Metafunction Overview

Interface Metafunctions Inherited From Pdf

Detailed Description


Note that you can construct this either with mu/sigma of the underlying normal distribution (default) or with the mean and standard deviation of the log-normal distribution.

Member Functions Detail

Pdf::Pdf(mu, sigma[, MuSigma()]); Pdf::Pdf(mean, stdDev, MeanStdDev());

Constructor for log-normal Pdf.


mu Mean of the underlying normal distribution, double.
sigma Standard deviation of the underlying normal distribution, double.
mean Mean of the log-normal distribution, double.
stdDev Standard deviation of the log-normal distribution, double.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!