fn() translate
translate sequences of Dna or Rna into amino acid alphabet, optionally with frames

Defined in <seqan/translation.h>
Signature int translate(target, source[, frames][, geneticCode][, TParallelism]) int translate(target, source[, frames][, geneticCodeSpec][, TParallelism])


target The amino acid sequence(s). StringSet of AminoAcid or String of AminoAcid if source is a single string and frames is SINGLE_FRAME.
source Source sequences String or StringSet. If the value type is not Dna, Dna5, Rna, Rna5 then it is converted to Dna5.
frame The TranslationFrames, defaults to SINGLE_FRAME.
geneticCode The GeneticCode to use, defaults to GeneticCode<CANONICAL> (use to specify GeneticCode at compile-time)
geneticCodeSpec The GeneticCodeSpec to use (use to specify GenetiCode at run-time)
TParallelism Whether to use SMP or not, see ParallelismTags .

Return Values

int 0 on success, and -1 on incompatible parameters (e.g. multiple frames but target type not StringSet).

Detailed Description

If OpenMP is supported by platform and TParallelism is not specified as "Serial", translation will be parallelized. The only exception is when doing single-frame translation of a single string -- which is never parallelized.

The translation process is fastest when using ConcatDirect-StringSets for both input and output StringSets and when not having to convert the alphabet of the source, i.e. feeding AminoAcid-Strings, not CharStrings (although the latter is possible).

Please note that specifying the GeneticCode at compile time avoids having unrequired conversion tables in memory. The implementation profits slightly from having SEQAN_CXX11_STANDARD defined.


StringSet<Dna5String> dnaSeqs;

// do something that fills up dnaSeqs, e.g. read from file or assign

StringSet<String<AminoAcid>, Owner<ConcatDirect<> > > aaSeqs;

translate(aaSeqs, dnaSeqs, SIX_FRAME);

// do something with the aaSeqs

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

See Also