Class SparseString
A string storing only a fraction of the values of the original string.

Defined in <seqan/index.h>
Signature template <typename TValueString, typename TSpec> class SparseString;

Template Parameters

TSpec The specialisation tag. Default: void.
TValueString The type of the string containing the values.

Interface Function Overview

Interface Functions Detail

void clear(sparseString);

Resets the SparseString.


sparseString The SparseString to be cleared.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

bool empty(sparseString);

Returns whether or not the SparseString is empty.


sparseString The SparseString to be checked.


bool true if there are no elements in the sparse string and false otherwise.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

TFibre getFibre(sparseString, fibreTag);

Returns a specific fibre of a SparseString.


sparseString The sparseString holding the fibre.
fibreTag A tag that identifies the Fibre. Types: SparseString Fibres


TFibre A reference to the Fibre object.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

TValue getValue(sparseString, pos);

Returns the value of a SparseString.


sparseString The SparseString.
pos The position at which a value should be assign to the sparse string. Types: UnsignedIntegerConcept


TValue The type GetValue of SparseString is returned.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

TSize length(sparseString);

Returns the number of elements in the SparseString.


sparseString The sparse string suffix array.


TSize The number of elements in the sparse string array. Types: The result of Size of the sparse string.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

bool open(string, fileName[, openMode]);

This functions open a sparse string from disk.


string The string to be opened. Types: SparseString
fileName C-style character string containing the file name.
openMode The combination of flags defining how the file should be opened. To open a file read-only, write-only or to read and write use OPEN_RDONLY, OPEN_WRONLY, or OPEN_RDWR.To create or overwrite a file add OPEN_CREATE. To append a file if existing add OPEN_APPEND. To circumvent problems, files are always opened in binary mode. Default: OPEN_RDWR | OPEN_CREATE | OPEN_APPEND


bool true on success.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

TSize resize(sparseString, newLength);


If the new length is smaller than the actual one then the last x items of the compressed suffix array are deleted with x = oldLength - newLength.

Resets the number of elements in the compressed suffix array.


sparseString The sparse string.
newLength The number of elements which should be stored in the sparse string. Types: UnsignedIntegerConcept.


TSize The number of elements in the sparse string. Types: The result of Size of the sparse string.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

bool save(string, fileName[, openMode]);

This functions saves a sparse string to disk.


string The string to be saved. Types: SparseString
fileName C-style character string containing the file name.
openMode The combination of flags defining how the file should be opened. To open a file read-only, write-only or to read and write use OPEN_RDONLY, OPEN_WRONLY, or OPEN_RDWR.To create or overwrite a file add OPEN_CREATE. To append a file if existing add OPEN_APPEND. To circumvent problems, files are always opened in binary mode. Default: OPEN_RDWR | OPEN_CREATE | OPEN_APPEND


bool true on success.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

TReference value(sparseString, pos);

Returns the value of a SparseString.


sparseString The SparseString.
pos The position at which a value should be assign to the sparse string. Types: UnsignedIntegerConcept


TReference The type Reference of SparseString is returned.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!