Spec FormattedFileIn
Base class for reading formatted files.

Extends FormattedFile
All Extended FormattedFile
All Subcl's BamFileIn, BedFileIn, BlastTabularFileIn, GffFileIn, RnaStructFileIn, RoiFileIn, SeqFileIn, SimpleIntervalsFileIn, UcscFileIn, VcfFileIn
Defined in <seqan/stream.h>
Signature typedef FormattedFile<TFileFormat, Input, TSpec> FormattedFileIn;

Member Function Overview

Member Functions Inherited From FormattedFile

Interface Function Overview

Interface Functions Inherited From FormattedFile

Interface Metafunction Overview

Interface Metafunctions Inherited From FormattedFile

Detailed Description

A formatted input file can write Header and Records.

Interface Functions Detail

void readHeader(fileIn, header);


fileIn The FormattedFileIn object to read from.
header The FormattedFileHeaderConcept to read.

Thrown Exceptions

IOError On low-level I/O errors.
ParseError On high-level file format errors.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

void readRecord(fileIn, record);


fileIn The FormattedFileIn object to read from.
record The FormattedFileRecordConcept to read.

Thrown Exceptions

IOError On low-level I/O errors.
ParseError On high-level file format errors.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!