Class RnaRecord
A container for RNA structure data.

Defined in <seqan/rna_io.h>
Signature class RnaRecord;

Member Function Overview

Member Variable Overview

Detailed Description

The container stores all kinds of data that can be obtained by reading RNA structure file records.

Member Functions Detail

void RnaRecord::clearID()

Clear value of recordID and set to undefined.

Data Races

If not stated otherwise, concurrent invocation is not guaranteed to be thread-safe.

bool RnaRecord::hasUndefinedID()

Test for an undefined recordID value.


bool True if recordID is not set.

Data Races

If not stated otherwise, concurrent invocation is not guaranteed to be thread-safe.

Member Variables Detail

Align<Rna5String,ArrayGaps> RnaRecord::align

Alignment of several sequences (including gaps).

This member variable is only used in alignment-based records (from STH files).

String<RnaStructureGraph> RnaRecord::bppMatrGraphs

Vector of base pair probability graphs extracted from the input files.

CharString RnaRecord::comment

Comment to be stored together with the record.

String<RnaStructureGraph> RnaRecord::fixedGraphs

Vector of fixed structure graphs extracted from the input files.

CharString RnaRecord::name

Sequence name.

unsigned RnaRecord::offset

Start index of the sequence.

CharString RnaRecord::quality

Quality values for the sequence.

StringSet<String<float>> RnaRecord::reactError

Error of the reactivity.

This member variable is used only if biological validated data is found (T.. fields in EBPSEQ are set).

If reactivity was derived as a consensus of different replicates, this indicates the standard error between samples used. If only one experiment was done, this may be some measure of variation between the data in that experiment, e.g. 0.2 of the standard deviation.

StringSet<String<float>> RnaRecord::reactivity

The area peak/likelihood estimate that represents the reactivity at each position.

This member variable is used only if biological validated data is found (T.. fields in EBPSEQ are set).

std::uint32_t RnaRecord::recordID

Identification of the record.

In an RNA structure file the first record gets ID 0, the following ID 1 and so on.

StringSet<CharString> RnaRecord::seqID

Sequence identifier for aligned sequences.

This member variable is only used in alignment-based records (from STH files).

TSizeRna5String RnaRecord::seqLen

Length of the sequence or alignment stored in this record.

Rna5String RnaRecord::sequence

String of bases in RNA strand.

This member variable is only used in sequence-based records (from CT, DBN, DBV, BPSEQ, EBPSEQ files).

String<std::uint32_t> RnaRecord::typeID

Indices of the assigned type (T..) attributes records from EBPSEQ files.

This member variable is used only if biological validated data is found (T.. fields in EBPSEQ are set).