fn() findRepeats
Search for repeats in a text.

Defined in <seqan/index.h>
Signature void findRepeats(repeatString, text, minRepeatLength[, maxPeriod]);


repeatString A String of Repeat objects.
text The text to search repeats in. Types: ContainerConcept
minRepeatLength The minimum length each reported repeat must have.
maxPeriod Optionally, the maximal period that reported repeats can have. Default: 1

Detailed Description

Subsequences of undefined values/Ns will always be reported.


The following demonstrates finding repeats of period 3.

#include <fstream>

#include <seqan/basic.h>
#include <seqan/index.h>
#include <seqan/seq_io.h>

using namespace seqan;

int main()
    // Get path to file to search for repeats in.
    std::string path = getAbsolutePath("/demos/index/ref.fa");

    // Load first sequence from file.
    CharString id;
    Dna5String seq;
    SeqFileIn file(path.c_str());
    readRecord(id, seq, file);

    // Find repeats and print them.
    String<Repeat<unsigned, unsigned> > repeats;
    findRepeats(repeats, seq, 3);

    std::cerr << "# of repeats: " << length(repeats) << "\n";
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < length(repeats); ++i)
        std::cerr << "i == " << i << ", beginPosition = " << repeats[i].beginPosition
                  << ", endPosition = " << repeats[i].endPosition
                  << ", period = " << repeats[i].period << "\n";

    return 0;
# of repeats: 15
i == 0, beginPosition = 3, endPosition = 7, period = 1
i == 1, beginPosition = 46, endPosition = 53, period = 1
i == 2, beginPosition = 101, endPosition = 105, period = 1
i == 3, beginPosition = 105, endPosition = 109, period = 1
i == 4, beginPosition = 164, endPosition = 169, period = 1
i == 5, beginPosition = 291, endPosition = 297, period = 1
i == 6, beginPosition = 319, endPosition = 327, period = 1
i == 7, beginPosition = 400, endPosition = 404, period = 1
i == 8, beginPosition = 442, endPosition = 446, period = 1
i == 9, beginPosition = 468, endPosition = 473, period = 1
i == 10, beginPosition = 476, endPosition = 480, period = 1
i == 11, beginPosition = 507, endPosition = 513, period = 1
i == 12, beginPosition = 561, endPosition = 566, period = 1
i == 13, beginPosition = 623, endPosition = 627, period = 1
i == 14, beginPosition = 655, endPosition = 659, period = 1

Data Races

If not stated otherwise, concurrent invocation is not guaranteed to be thread-safe.

See Also