Class VirtualStream
Provides seamless (de)compression for another stream.

Implements StreamConcept
All Impl'd StreamConcept
Defined in <seqan/stream.h>
Signature template <typename TValue, typename TDirection, typename TTraits> class VirtualStream;

Template Parameters

TValue The stream value type, e.g. char.
TDirection The stream direction, one of DirectionTags.
TTraits The stream traits, defaults to std::char_traits<TValue>.

Member Function Overview

Interface Function Overview

Interface Functions Inherited From StreamConcept

Interface Metafunction Overview

Interface Metafunctions Inherited From StreamConcept

Member Functions Detail

TExtensionVector getFileExtensions()

Static function that returns a list of allowed file format extension.


TExtensionVector A std::vector<std::string> with the allowed file extensions.

Data Races

If not stated otherwise, concurrent invocation is not guaranteed to be thread-safe.

VirtualStream::VirtualStream(); VirtualStream::VirtualStream(stream); VirtualStream::VirtualStream(streamBuf); VirtualStream::VirtualStream(fileName, openMode);

Default constructor and construction from stream, stream buffer, or filename.


stream The stream to attach to.
streamBuf The stream buffer to attach to.
fileName Path to the file to open. Type: char const *.
openMode The open mode. Type: int.

Data Races

If not stated otherwise, concurrent invocation is not guaranteed to be thread-safe.

Interface Functions Detail

bool close(stream);

Close a VirtualStream.


stream The VirtualStream to close.


bool true in the case of success, false otherwise.

Data Races

If not stated otherwise, concurrent invocation is not guaranteed to be thread-safe.

TFormat format(stream);

Return the format of a VirtualStream.


stream The VirtualStream to check.


TFormat The type as returned from StreamFormat.

Data Races

If not stated otherwise, concurrent invocation is not guaranteed to be thread-safe.

bool open(stream, fileStream); bool open(stream, fileName, openMode);

Open a VirtualStream.


stream The VirtualStream to open.
[ in,out fileStream File stream to attach to. Type: std::fstream.
fileName Path to the file to open. Type: char const *.
openMode The open mode. Type: int.


bool true in the case of success, false otherwise.

Data Races

If not stated otherwise, concurrent invocation is not guaranteed to be thread-safe.

Interface Metafunctions Detail


Metafunction for retrieving the format type of a VirtualStream.

Template Parameters

TStream The stream file type to query for its file format type.


Type The resulting VirtualStream file formats type.