fn() extendAlignment
X-Drop extension for alignment objects.

Defined in <seqan/align_extend.h>
Signature TScoreValue extendAlignment(align, [origScore,] hSeq, vSeq, positions, extensionDirection, [lowerDiag, upperDiag,] [xDrop,] scoreScheme);


align The Align object to work on. Must be an alignment over the infix of the const type of hSeq and vSeq. Also see section "Returned Alignment".
origScore Original score value of the alignment (optional; computed if not provided).
hSeq Full horizontal sequence.
vSeq Full vertical sequence.
positions A Tuple of length 4 with the begin and end position of the infixes in align.
extensionDirection The extension direction (ExtensionDirection).
lowerDiag Lower alignment diagonal to use (int).
upperDiag Upper alignment diagonal to use (int).
xDrop The X-drop value to use (integral value). It only limits computation of new columns in the DP-Matrix and has no influence on the diagonals (but can be combined with them).
scoringScheme The Score to use.

Return Values

TScoreValue The score of the new alignment. TScoreValue is the value type of scoringScheme.

Detailed Description

Returned Alignment

The resulting alignment has the infixes extended to the whole underlying sequence. The alignment is clipped to give the parts of the aligned sequences.


#include <iostream>

#include <seqan/align.h>
#include <seqan/align_extend.h>
#include <seqan/sequence.h>

using namespace seqan2;

int main()
    Score<int> sc(2, -1, -2);

    Align<Infix<CharString const>::Type> align;
    resize(rows(align), 2);

    // We create the following initial situation with subject/query and the
    // infixes thereof.
    //                         infixes/seeds
    //                             <-->
    assignSource(row(align, 0), infix(subject, 19, 23));
    assignSource(row(align, 1), infix(query, 8, 12));
    int score = globalAlignment(align, sc);

    std::cout << "Initial alignment of infixes (score == " << score << ")\n\n"
              << align;

    // The alignment starts at diagonal (23 - 19) = 4.  A band of 4 in each direction has
    // the following diagonals.
    int lDiag = 0, uDiag = 8;
    // Set the x-Drop value to 5.
    int xDrop = 5;
    Tuple<unsigned, 4> positions = { {19u, 8u, 23u, 12u} };
    score = extendAlignment(align, score, subject, query, positions, EXTEND_BOTH,
                            lDiag, uDiag, xDrop, sc);

    std::cout << "Resulting alignment (score == " << score << ")\n\n"
              << align;

    std::cout << "source(row(align, 0)) == " << source(row(align, 0)) << " (full sequence)\n"
              << "source(row(align, 1)) == " << source(row(align, 1)) << " (full sequence)\n"
              << "\n"
              << "clipping positions of row 0: " << clippedBeginPosition(row(align, 0))
              << ", " << clippedEndPosition(row(align, 0)) << "\n"
              << "clipping positions of row 1: " << clippedBeginPosition(row(align, 1))
              << ", " << clippedEndPosition(row(align, 1)) << "\n";

    return 0;

The output is as follows:

Initial alignment of infixes (score == 8)


Resulting alignment (score == 32)

      0     .    :    .     
        ||||||||||||  |||||

source(row(align, 0)) == NNNNNNNNNNTTCCGGGACGGTACACACACGGGGGGGGGG (full sequence)
source(row(align, 1)) == CTCGGGACGGTACAGGCACGGTTTTTTTT (full sequence)

clipping positions of row 0: 13, 32
clipping positions of row 1: 2, 21


It is necessary to explicitly pass hSeq, vSeq and the positions, because the original hSeq and vSeq (that Align was created on), might have been infixes, (especially if they are members of a ConcatDirect set) in which cases their actual begin and end positions cannot be inferred from the Align object's rows' source().

Data Races

If not stated otherwise, concurrent invocation is not guaranteed to be thread-safe.