Class Score
Scoring scheme.

All Subcl's EditDistanceScore, MatrixScore, ProfileSeqFracScore, ProfileSeqScore, ScoreSimdWrapper, SimpleScore
Defined in <seqan/score.h>
Signature template <[typename TValue[, typename TSpec]]> class Score;

Template Parameters

TValue The scoring value, defaults to int.
TSpec The specialization type, defaults to Simple.

Interface Function Overview

Interface Metafunction Overview

Detailed Description

The Score class uses similarity scores, i.e. the greater the score value, the greater the similarity. Depending on the exact score, the scores can also be negative for dissimilarity. This choice blends in naturally with the BLOSUM and PAM matrices, for examples. For the edit distance common in computer science, this corresponds to match scores of 0, mismatch and gap scores of -1.


#include <seqan/basic.h>
#include <seqan/sequence.h>
#include <seqan/stream.h>  // for I/O
#include <seqan/align.h>
#include <seqan/score.h>

using namespace seqan2;

int main()
    StringSet<DnaString> stringSet;
    appendValue(stringSet, "ACGTGGATCGGTGACTTACGGACTG");
    appendValue(stringSet, "ACGTGTTGAGTGATTACGGACTG");

    Align<DnaString> align(stringSet);                // Initialize the Align object using a StringSet.

    Score<int> scoreScheme(5, -6, -2, -11);           // Initialize Score object with affine gap costs.
    int score = globalAlignment(align, scoreScheme);  // Computes a global alignment usign the defined scoring scheme.

    std::cout << "Score = " << score << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Alignment:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << align << std::endl;

    return 0;

The output is as follows:

Score = 66
      0     .    :    .    :    .   
        |||||  ||   |||| ||||||||||

Interface Functions Detail

void loadScoreMatrix(score, fileName[, meta]);

Load a score matrix from a file.


score The MatrixScore to load.
fileName The path to the file to load, CharString.
meta Meta information is stored here, CharString.

Data Races

If not stated otherwise, concurrent invocation is not guaranteed to be thread-safe.

TValue score(score, entryH, entryV);

Returns similarity score for two sequence entries.


score The Score to use for comparing the two sequence entries.
entryH The entry in the first/horizontal sequence.
entryV The entry in the second/vertical sequence.


TValue The score similarity cost for gaps at the given position/entry. TValue is the value type of score.

Data Races

If not stated otherwise, concurrent invocation is not guaranteed to be thread-safe.

TValue scoreGapExtendHorizontal(score, entryH, entryV);

Returns the score for extending a gap in horizontal direction.


score The Score to query.
entryH Entry in sequence one (horizontal), type from Score#SequenceEntryForScore.
entryV Entry in sequence two (vertical), type from Score#SequenceEntryForScore.


TValue The score extension cost for gaps at the given position/entry. TValue is the value type of score.


Corresponds to a deletion event in sequence two and an insertion event in sequence one, respectively.

Data Races

If not stated otherwise, concurrent invocation is not guaranteed to be thread-safe.

TValue scoreGapExtendVertical(score, entryH, entryV);

Returns the score for extending a gap in vertical direction.


score The Score to query.
entryH Entry in sequence one (horizontal), type from Score#SequenceEntryForScore.
entryV Entry in sequence two (vertical), type from Score#SequenceEntryForScore.


TValue The score extension cost for gaps at the given position/entry. TValue is the value type of score.


Corresponds to a deletion event in sequence one and an insertion event in sequence two, respectively.

Data Races

If not stated otherwise, concurrent invocation is not guaranteed to be thread-safe.

TValue scoreGapHorizontal(score, entryH, entryV);

Returns the score for a gap in horizontal direction.


score The Score to query.
entryH Entry in sequence one (horizontal), type from Score#SequenceEntryForScore.
entryV Entry in sequence two (vertical), type from Score#SequenceEntryForScore.


TValue The score gap cost for gaps at the given position/entry. TValue is the value type of score.


Corresponds to a deletion event in sequence two and an insertion event in sequence one, respectively.

Data Races

If not stated otherwise, concurrent invocation is not guaranteed to be thread-safe.

TValue scoreGapOpenHorizontal(score, entryH, entryV);

Returns the score for opening a gap in horizontal direction.


score The Score to query.
entryH Entry in sequence one (horizontal), type from Score#SequenceEntryForScore.
entryV Entry in sequence two (vertical), type from Score#SequenceEntryForScore.


TValue The score open cost for gaps at the given position/entry. TValue is the value type of score.


Corresponds to a deletion event in sequence two and an insertion event in sequence one, respectively.

Data Races

If not stated otherwise, concurrent invocation is not guaranteed to be thread-safe.

TValue scoreGapOpenVertical(score, entryH, entryV);

Returns the score for opening a gap in vertical direction.


score The Score to query.
entryH Entry in sequence one (horizontal), type from Score#SequenceEntryForScore.
entryV Entry in sequence two (vertical), type from Score#SequenceEntryForScore.


TValue The score open cost for gaps at the given position/entry. TValue is the value type of score.


Corresponds to a deletion event in sequence two and an insertion event in sequence one, respectively.

Data Races

If not stated otherwise, concurrent invocation is not guaranteed to be thread-safe.

TValue scoreGapVertical(score, entryH, entryV);

Returns the score for a gap in vertical direction.


score The Score to query.
entryH Entry in sequence one (horizontal), type from Score#SequenceEntryForScore.
entryV Entry in sequence two (vertical), type from Score#SequenceEntryForScore.


TValue The score gap cost for gaps at the given position/entry. TValue is the value type of score.


Corresponds to a deletion event in sequence two and an insertion event in sequence one, respectively.

Data Races

If not stated otherwise, concurrent invocation is not guaranteed to be thread-safe.

TAlphabet sequenceEntryForScore(scoringScheme, seq, pos);

Helper function for element access, depending on score type.


scoringScheme The Score to get the representation for.
pos The position of the character.
seq The sequence to get the representation for.


TAlphabet The value of seq at pos.

Data Races

If not stated otherwise, concurrent invocation is not guaranteed to be thread-safe.

Interface Metafunctions Detail

SequenceEntryForScore<TScore, TSequence>::Type;


This is used for unified interfaces for position dependent and independent scores.

Returns representation type for a character of a position in a sequence.

Template Parameters

TScore The score type to use. Types: Score
TSequence The underlying sequence of the alignments or gaps. Types: ContainerConcept


Type The type to use for representing a character in a sequence over its position.


Return the specialization type of the scoring scheme.

Template Parameters

TScore The Score specialization.


Type The score specialization type of the scoring scheme.


Return the value type of the scoring scheme.

Template Parameters

TScore The Score specialization.


Type The score value type of the scoring scheme.