Iterator that is used to traverse containers.
Iter<TContainer, TSpec>
Type of the container that can be iterated by Iter.
Metafunctions: Container
The specializing type.
Metafunctions: Spec
Adaptor IteratorAdapts iterators to Rooted Iterator.
Adjacency IteratorAdjacency iterator for Graph.
AlignColIteratorIterator for AlignCols pseudo container.
Bfs IteratorBreath-first search iterator for Graph.
Dfs Preorder IteratorDepth-first search iterator for Graph.
Edge IteratorEdge iterator for Graph.
Out-Edge IteratorOut-edge iterator for Graph.
Position IteratorAdapts position to iterator.
SimpleIteratorA simple iterator.
Vertex IteratorVertex iterator for Graph.
ContainerType of the container given an iterator.
DifferenceType of an object that stores the difference between two iterators.
GetValueType for reading values.
IteratorType of iterator objects that are used to traverse the container.
PositionType of an object that represents a position in a container.
ReferenceReference type.
SpecThe spec of a class.
ValueType of the items in the container.
assignValueAssigns value to item.
atBeginDetermines whether an iterator is at the beginning position.
atEndDetermines whether an iterator is at the end position.
containerContainer of an iterator.
differenceThe difference between two iterators.
getValueAccess to the value.
goBeginIterates to the first position of a container.
goEndIterates to the first position of a container.
goFurtherIterates some steps further.
goNextIterates to next position.
goPreviousIterates to pevious position.
moveValueAssigns value to item.
positionPosition of an iterator.
valueReference to the value.
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