Class Splitter
Splits an interval into subintervals.

All Subcl's Equidistant
Defined in <seqan/parallel.h>
Signature template <typename TValue, typename TSpec> class Splitter;

Template Parameters

TValue Type of the interval boundaries.
TSpec Tag to select the way the values are sampled.

Member Function Overview

Interface Function Overview

Interface Metafunction Overview

Detailed Description

This class divides an interval into the disjoint union of subintervals and enumerates its boundaries. It can be used to parallelize large for-loops that iterate over a contiguous range of elements. The interval and the number of subintervals can be set in the constructor Splitter. length and resize can be used to retrieve or change the number of subintervals later. In contrast to other containers the Splitter allows one to access one more element than its length would imply to allow to retrieve the right boundary of each subinterval (see example code below).


Simple example for equidistant (default) splitting.

#include <iostream>
#include <seqan/parallel.h>

using namespace seqan;

int main()
    // instantiate a Splitter to divide the interval [10,20) in 3 subintervals
    Splitter<unsigned> splitter(10, 20, 3);

    // output all subintervals
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < length(splitter); ++i)
        std::cout << '[' << splitter[i] << ',' << splitter[i + 1] << ')' << std::endl;

    return 0;

The output is:


Member Functions Detail

Splitter::Splitter(beginPos, endPos[, subintervalCount]); Splitter::Splitter(beginPos, endPos, parallelTag);



beginPos Left interval boundary.
endPos Right interval boundary.
subintervalCount Number of subintervals. length and resize can be used to retrieve or change the number of subintervals later. Default: The minimum of interval size and the number of available threads (returned by omp_get_max_threads()).
parallelTag Tag to generically enable/disable parallelism. If its type is Parallel, the default number of subintervals is used. If it is Serial, only one subinterval is used. This tag should be used to write generic parallel algorithms and to switch between parallel and serial variants.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

Interface Functions Detail

TSize length(splitter);

Return the number of elements in the splitter.


splitter The Splitter object to query.


TSize The number of elements in the Splitter, TSize is the size type.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

void resize(splitter, newCount);

Change the number of elements in the splitter.


splitter The Splitter object to update.
newCount The updated number of elements in the splitter.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

Interface Metafunctions Detail


Returns the size type for the Splitter.

Template Parameters

TSplitter The Splitter to query for its size type.


Returns the value type for the Splitter.

Template Parameters

TSplitter The Splitter to query for its value type.