Type of an object that represents a vertex descriptor.
Include Headers
Type T must be a graph. All graphs currently use ids as vertex descriptors.
The vertex descriptor is a unique handle to a vertex in a graph. It is used in various graph functions, e.g., to add edges, to create OutEdge Iterators or to remove a vertex. It is also used to attach properties to vertices.
Return Values
VertexDescriptor type.
addChildAdds a new child vertex to a parent vertex. Optionally a cargo can be attached to the parent-child edge.
addChildAdds a new child vertex to a parent vertex. Optionally a cargo can be attached to the parent-child edge.
addEdgeAdds a new edge to the graph, either with or without cargo.
addEdgeAdds a new edge to the graph, either with or without cargo.
addEdgesShortcut to add multiple edges at once. Creates vertices implicitly.
addVertexAdds a new vertex to the graph.
assignBeginStateAssigns a begin state.
assignEmissionProbabilityAssigns a new emission probability.
assignEndStateAssigns an end state.
assignPropertyAssigns a property to an item in the property map.
assignRootAssigns a new root vertex to the graph.
assignSilentStatusAssigns a silent status to a state.
assignTransitionProbabilityAssigns a new transition probability.
assignTransitionProbabilityAssigns a new transition probability.
bellmanFordAlgorithmComputes shortest paths from a single source in a directed graph.
breadthFirstSearchImplements a breadth-first search on a graph.
canParseStringTest whether an automaton can parse a string completely.
childVertexReturns the child vertex of an edge.
collectLeavesReturns all leaves underneath a given vertex.
dagShortestPathComputes shortest paths from a single source in a directed acyclic graph (DAG).
degreeNumber of incident edges for a given vertex.
dijkstraComputes shortest paths from a single source in a graph.
emissionProbabilityReturns a reference to the emission probability.
findEdgeFinds an edge.
findEdgeFinds an edge.
fordFulkersonAlgorithmComputes a maximum flow in a directed graph.
fordFulkersonAlgorithmComputes a maximum flow in a directed graph.
fragmentBeginGets the begin position for this fragment or this vertex descriptor in the sequence.
fragmentLengthGets the length of the label of a given vertex descriptor in the sequence.
getEmissionProbabilityReturns the emission probability.
getPropertyGet method for an item's property.
getRootGet method for the root of a tree or an automaton.
getSuccessorGets the successor for a given vertex and an edge label. For an automaton a single character is required whereas for a word graph getSuccessor takes a string.
getSuccessorGets the successor for a given vertex and an edge label. For an automaton a single character is required whereas for a word graph getSuccessor takes a string.
getTransitionProbabilityReturns the transition probability.
getTransitionProbabilityReturns the transition probability.
inDegreeNumber of incoming edges for a given vertex.
isLeafTests whether a given vertex is a leaf or not.
isRootTests whether a given vertex is the root or not.
isSilentIndicates whether a state is silent or not.
kruskalsAlgorithmComputes a minimum spanning tree on a graph.
labelGets the label that is associated with this vertex descriptor or the sequence that is associated with a fragment.
nodeUpReturns the vertex descriptor of the parent node.
numChildrenNumber of children of a given tree vertex.
outDegreeNumber of outgoing edges for a given vertex.
parentVertexReturns the parent vertex of an edge.
parseStringParses a string one character at a time and moves accordingly in the automaton.
parseStringParses a string one character at a time and moves accordingly in the automaton.
primsAlgorithmComputes a minimum spanning tree on a graph.
propertyAccesses the property of an item in the property map.
removeAllChildrenRemoves all children from the tree given a parent.
removeChildRemoves a child from the tree given a parent.
removeChildRemoves a child from the tree given a parent.
removeEdgeRemoves an edge from the graph. For automatons a label is required.
removeEdgeRemoves an edge from the graph. For automatons a label is required.
removeInEdgesRemoves the incoming edges of a given vertex.
removeOutEdgesRemoves the outgoing edges of a given vertex.
removeVertexRemoves a vertex.
rootGets a reference to the root of the tree.
sequenceIdGets the sequence id that is associated with this vertex descriptor or with a sequence of a fragment.
silentStatusReference to the silent status of a state.
sourceVertexReturns the source vertex of an edge.
targetVertexReturns the target vertex of an edge.
transitionProbabilityReturns a reference to the transition probability.
transitionProbabilityReturns a reference to the transition probability.
VertexDescriptor<Graph<> >::Type vD; //vD is a vertex descriptor
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