Class Specialization
Exact string matching with wildcards using bit parallelism. The Shift-And algorithm is applicable to search small patterns in texts using a small alphabet.
Pattern<TNeedle, WildShiftAnd>
Include Headers
The needle type.
Types: String
The supported wildcards are * (zero or more occurence), + (one or more occurences), ? (optional character), . (every character), character classes (e.g. [a-z]) and bounded repeats (e.g. {n,m}).
After the find-Method returned the Finder will point to the last position of the occurence
We encourage the user to intialize the Pattern with a String<char> (setHost or the C'tor). If you use for instance String <Dna> instead you won't be able to specify wildcards
Specialization of
HostType of the object a given object depends on. (Pattern)
NeedleReturns the needle type of a Pattern type. (Pattern)
ScoringSchemeReturns the scoring scheme of an approximate searching algorithm. (Pattern)
findSearch for a Pattern in a Finder object. (Pattern)
findBeginSearch the begin of an approximate match. (Pattern)
hostThe object a given object depends on. (Pattern)
needleReturns the needle of a Pattern object (not implemented for some online-algorithms). (Pattern)
positionPosition of an iterator. (Pattern)
scoringSchemeThe scoring scheme used for finding or aligning. (Pattern)
setNeedleSets the needle of a Pattern object and optionally induces preprocessing. (Pattern)
setScoringSchemeSets the scoring scheme used for finding or aligning. (Pattern)
Example Programs
SeqAn - Sequence Analysis Library -

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