Class Specialization
A factor oracle.
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Oracle |
Include Headers
The alphabet type that is used for the transition labels. Metafunctions: Alphabet Default: Remarks: Use Alphabet to get the type of the labels in an automaton. | |
The cargo type that can be attached to the edges. Metafunctions: Cargo Default: Remarks: Use Cargo to get the cargo type of an undirected graph. | |
The specializing type for the graph. Metafunctions: Spec Remarks: Use WithoutEdgeId here to omit edge ids.
Note: If edges do not store ids external property maps do not work. |
A factor oracle is a special automaton and thus, it is not implemented in its own class.
It solely provides create functions where based upon a string an oracle is created.
Specialization of
Access to the Alphabet type. (Graph) | |
Type of additional data stored in an object. (Graph) | |
Type of an object that represents an edge descriptor. (Graph) | |
Type of an object that represents an Id Manager. (Graph) | |
Edge type of a graph object. (Graph) | |
Type of the object a given object depends on. (Graph) | |
Type of iterator objects that are used to traverse the container. (Graph) | |
The spec of a class. (Graph) | |
Type of an object that represents a vertex descriptor. (Graph) |
Adds a new edge to the graph, either with or without cargo. (Graph) | |
Shortcut to add multiple edges at once. Creates vertices implicitly. (Graph) | |
Adds a new vertex to the graph. (Graph) | |
Initializes a vertex map with values of an array. (Graph) | |
Initializes a vertex map with values of an array. (Graph) | |
Resets an object. (Graph) | |
Removes all edges in a graph. (Graph) | |
Removes all vertices in a graph. (Graph) | |
Create an interval tree. (Graph) | |
Creates a factor oracle. | |
Creates a factor oracle for the reversed string. | |
Number of incident edges for a given vertex. (Graph) | |
Test a container for being empty. (Graph) | |
Finds an edge. (Graph) | |
Returns an adjacency matrix representation of the graph. (Graph) | |
Number of incoming edges for a given vertex. (Graph) | |
Number of edges in a graph. (Graph) | |
Number of vertices in a graph. (Graph) | |
Number of outgoing edges for a given vertex. (Graph) | |
Removes an edge from the graph. For automatons a label is required. (Graph) | |
Removes the incoming edges of a given vertex. (Graph) | |
Removes the outgoing edges of a given vertex. (Graph) | |
Removes a vertex. (Graph) | |
Initializes an edge map (Graph) | |
Initializes a vertex map. (Graph) | |
Returns the source vertex of an edge. (Graph) | |
Returns the target vertex of an edge. (Graph) | |
Transposes a graph, either in-place or from source to dest. (Graph) | |
Saves records to a file. (Graph) |
Example Programs
Bellman-Ford Algorithm, Longest Increasing Subsequence, Topological Sort, Breadth-First Search, Strongly Connected Components, Transitive Closure, HMM Silent States, Kruskals Algorithm, Heaviest Increasing Subsequence, Floyd-Warshall Algorithm, Maximum Flow, Shortest Path in DAGs, HMM, Prims Algorithm, All Pairs Shortest Path, Depth-First Search, Dijkstras Algorithm, Longest Common Subsequence
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