Class ArgumentParser
Parse the command line.

Defined in <seqan/arg_parse.h>
Signature class ArgumentParser;

Member Function Overview

Interface Function Overview

Detailed Description

Options are stored as ArgParseOption and ArgParseArgument objects.


See the documentation of ToolDoc on how to format text. Wherever possible, formatting is added automatically for you. You have to use formatting in the following places: (1) usage lines, (2) option help texts, (3) description and additional text sections.


The following gives a simple example of how to use the ArgumentParser class.

#include <iostream>

#include <seqan/basic.h>
#include <seqan/sequence.h>
#include <seqan/file.h>      // For printing SeqAn Strings.

#include <seqan/arg_parse.h>

using seqan::ArgumentParser;
using seqan::ArgParseOption;
using seqan::ArgParseArgument;
using seqan::CharString;

int main(int argc, char const ** argv)
    // Initialize ArgumentParser.
    ArgumentParser parser("arg_parse_demo");
    setCategory(parser, "Demo");
    setShortDescription(parser, "Just a demo of the new seqan::ArgumentParser!");
    setVersion(parser, "0.1");
    setDate(parser, "Mar 2012");

    // Add use and description lines.
    addUsageLine(parser, "[\\fIOPTIONS\\fP] \\fIIN\\fP \\fIOUT\\fP ");

            "This is just a little demo to show what seqan::ArgumentParser is "
            "able to do.  \\fIIN\\fP is a multi-FASTA input file.  \\fIOUT\\fP is a "
            "txt output file.");

    // Add positional arguments and set their valid file types.
    addArgument(parser, ArgParseArgument(ArgParseArgument::INPUTFILE, "IN"));
    addArgument(parser, ArgParseArgument(ArgParseArgument::OUTPUTFILE, "OUT"));
    setValidValues(parser, 0, "FASTA fa");
    setValidValues(parser, 1, "txt");

    // Add a section with some options.
    addSection(parser, "Important Tool Parameters");
    addOption(parser, ArgParseOption("", "id", "Sequence identity between [0.0:1.0]",
                                     ArgParseArgument::DOUBLE, "ID"));
    setRequired(parser, "id", true);
    setMinValue(parser, "id", "0.0");
    setMaxValue(parser, "id", "1.0");

    // Adding a verbose and a hidden option.
    addSection(parser, "Miscellaneous");
    addOption(parser, ArgParseOption("v", "verbose", "Turn on verbose output."));
    addOption(parser, ArgParseOption("H", "hidden", "Super mysterious flag that will not be shown in "
                                     "the help screen or man page."));
    hideOption(parser, "H");

    // Add a Reference section.
    addTextSection(parser, "References");
    addText(parser, "");

    // Parse the arguments.
    ArgumentParser::ParseResult res = parse(parser, argc, argv);
    // Return if there was an error or a built-in command was triggered (e.g. help).
    if (res != ArgumentParser::PARSE_OK)
        return res == ArgumentParser::PARSE_ERROR;  // 1 on errors, 0 otherwise

    // Extract and print the options.
    bool verbose = false;
    getOptionValue(verbose, parser, "verbose");
    std::cout << "Verbose:     " << (verbose ? "on" : "off") << std::endl;

    double identity = -1.0;
    getOptionValue(identity, parser, "id");
    std::cout << "Identity:    " << identity << std::endl;

    CharString inputFile, outputFile;
    getArgumentValue(inputFile, parser, 0);
    getArgumentValue(outputFile, parser, 1);

    std::cout << "Input-File:  " << inputFile << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Output-File: " << outputFile << std::endl;

    return 0;
$ demo_arg_parse_argument_parser in.fa out.txt --id 0
Built target seqan_core
Built target demo_arg_parse
Verbose:     off
Identity:    0
Input-File:  in.fa
Output-File: out.txt

See Also

Member Functions Detail




appName The name of the application (std::string), defaults to argv[0].

Interface Functions Detail

void addArgument(parser, arg);

Adds an ArgParseArgument to an ArgumentParser.


parser The ArgumentParser to add the argument to.
arg The ArgParseArgument to add to parser.

void addDefaultValue(parser, name, v);

Add/append a value to the default values for an option in an ArgumentParser.


parser The ArgumentParser to append the default value to.
name The short or long name of the argument (std::string).
v The value to append (template parameter, must be streamable into a std::stringstream).

void addDescription(parser, description);

Appends a description paragraph to the ArgumentParser documentation.


parser The ArgumentParser to add the line to.
description The description text, a std::string.

void addLine(parser, line);

Adds a line of text to the help output of the ArgumentParser.


parser The ArgumentParser to add the line to.
line The line of text to add, SequenceConcept of char.

The line of text will be added to the block of the options.

void addListItem(parser, item, description);

Appends a list item to the ArgumentParser


parser The ArgumentParser to add the list item to.
item The item to add, std::string.
description The item to add, std::string.

void addOption(parser, option);

Adds an ArgParseOption to an ArgumentParser.


parser The ArgumentParser to add the option to.
option The ArgParseOption to add to parser.

void addSection(parser, title);

Begins a new section of the option block of the ArgumentParser help output.


parser The ArgumentParser to add the line to.
title The title to add, SequenceConcept of char.
ArgumentParser parser;

[...] // init parser

addSection(parser, "In-/Output-Options");
addOption("i", ... );
addOption("o", ... );

addSection(parser, "Other Options");
addOption("x", ... );

void addText(parser, text);

Add text to an ArgumentParser.


parser ArgumentParser to add text to.
text The std::string to add to the parser.

void addTextSection(parser, title);

Add a text section to the ArgumentParser.


parser The ArgumentParser to add the text section title to.
title The section title to add, std::string.

void addTextSubSection(parser, title);

Add a text sub section to the ArgumentParser.


parser The ArgumentParser add the subsection title to of.
title The sub section title to add, std::string.

void addUsageLine(parser, line);

Adds a line of text to the usage output of the ArgumentParser.


parser The ArgumentParser to add the line to.
line The line to add, a std::string.

TCharStringRef getAppName(parser);

Return program name of ArgumentParser.


parser The ArgumentParser to get the app name for.


TCharStringRef The app name, const-ref to CharString.

TArgument getArgument(parser, pos);

Returns a reference to the given positional argument.


parser The ArgumentParser to query.
pos The position of the argument to return (unsigned, starting at 0).


TArgument Reference to the ArgParseArgument with the given position.

std::string argumentFileExtension(parser, pos[, argNo]);

Retrieve the file extension of a file argument.


parser The ArgumentParser to get the value from.
pos The position of the argument to query (unsigned).
argNo Optional position for multi-value options (unsigned, defaults to 0).


std::string The extension of the argument if any.

Overriding File Extensions on the Command Line

For each argument with type INPUTFILE and OUTPUTFILE, an option with the index arg-${idx}-file-ext is automatically added to the ArgumentParser (where ${idx} is the index of the original option). The extension can be overridden by specifying the argument. Thus, the user of the program could give the value "file.ext" to the parameter "0" and override the extension on the command line to "ext2" as follows:

# program_name file.ext --arg-0-file-ext ext2

See Also

bool getArgumentValue(dest, parser, pos[, no]);

Retrieves the value of an argument given by its position.


dest The variable to write the result to (the type is a template parameter and the value type of the argument must be convertible in the type of dest for the retrieval to work, also see result value).
parser The ArgumentParser to get the value from.
pos The position of the argument to get the value of.
no Optional position for multi-value arguments (unsigned, defaults to 0).


bool true if the retrieval was successful, false otherwise.

unsigned getArgumentValueCount(parser, pos);

Query number of values stored for the specified argument.


parser The ArgumentParser to query.
name The position of the argument (unsigned, 0-based).


unsigned The number of values for the argument with the given position.

TVector getArgumentValues(parser, pos);

Returns all values of an argument given on the command line.


parser The ArgumentParser to query.
pos The position of the argument (unsigned, 0-based).


TVector The resulting values (std::vector<std::string>).

TCharStringRef getCategory(parser);

Returns the category.


parser The ArgumentParser to get the category from.


TCharString A const-ref to a CharString with the category.

TVector getFormatExtension(tag); TVector getFormatExtension(tagList); TVector getFormatExtension(tagSelector);

Returns file format extension given a format tag.


tag A single file foramt, e.g. Fastq().
tagList A list of file format (TagList).
tagSelector A file format selector (TagSelector).


TVector A std::vector<std::string> with the allowed file format extensions.

TOption getOption(parser, name);

Returns a reference to the specified option.


parser The parser to query.
name The short or long name of the option (std::string).


TOption Reference to the ArgParseOption with the given short or long name.

std::string getOptionFileExtension(parser, name[, pos]);

Retrieve the file extension of a file option.


parser The ArgumentParser to get the value from.
name The short or long name of the option (std::string).
pos Optional position for multi-value options (unsigned, defaults to 0).


std::string The extension of the option. Empty if not set or no extension.

Overriding File Extension on the Command Line

For each option with type INPUTFILE and OUTPUTFILE, an option with the name ${name}-file-ext is automatically added to the ArgumentParser (where ${name} is the name of the original option). The extension can be overridden by specifying the argument. Thus, the user of the program could give the value "file.ext" to the parameter "fname" and override the extension on the command line to "ext2" as follows:

# program_name --fname file.ext --fname-file-ext ext2

See Also

bool getOptionValue(dest, parser, name[, pos]);

Retrieve the value of an option.


dest The variable to write the result to (the type is a template parameter and the value type of the option must be convertible in the type of dest for the retrieval to work, also see result value).
parser The ArgumentParser to get the value from.
name The short or long name of the option (std::string).
pos Optional position for multi-value options (unsigned, defaults to 0).


bool true if the requested option was given on the command line and could be coverted to the type of dest.

unsigned getOptionValueCount(parser, name);

Query number of values stored for the specified option.


parser The ArgumentParser to query.
name The short or long name of the option (string).


unsigned The number of values for the option with the given name.

TVector getOptionValues(parser, name);

Returns all values of an option given on the command line.


parser The ArgumentParser to query.
name The short or long name of the option to get (std::string).


TVector The resulting values (std::vector<std::string>).

CharString getShortDescription(parser);

Returns the short description.


parser The ArgumentParser to get short description for.


CharString A CharString with the short description.

TCharStringRef getVersion(parser);

Returns the version string.


parser The ArgumentParser to get the version string from.


TCharString A const-ref to a CharString with the version string.

bool hasDefault(parser, name);

Query whether an option has a default value.


parser The ArgumentParser to query.
name The short or long name of the option (std::string).


bool Whether or not the option has a default value.

bool hasOption(parser, name);

Query whether a certain option is registered in the parser.


parser The ArgumentParser to query.
name The name to query for (std::string).


bool true if there is such an option, false otherwise.

void hideOption(parser, name[, hide]).

Hides the ArgParseOption with the given name.


parser The ArgParseOption to the the hidden flag of.
name The short or long name of the option to modify.
hide Whether or not to hide the flag (bool, defaults to true).

bool isSet(parser, name);

Query whether an option was set on the command line.


parser The ArgumentParser to query.
name The short or long name of the option (std::string).


bool Whether or not the option was set on the command line or not.

TResult parse(parser, argc, argv[, outStream[, errStream]]);

Parse command line parameters.


parser The ArgumentParser to use for parsing and for storing parse results.
argc The number of arguments (int).
argv The arguments (const char * argv[]).
outStream The std::ostream to use for output.
errStream The std::ostream to use for error output.


TResult The parse result, of type ArgumentParser::ParseResult.

This function must be called before retrieving any options or arguments from the parser.

void printHelp(parser, out, format);

Prints the complete help message for the parser.


parser The ArgumentParser print the help for.
out The output stream to print to (std::ostream).
format The format to print, one of "html", "man", and "txt".

void printShortHelp(parser, out);

Prints a short help message for the parser to a stream.


parser The ArgumentParser to print help for.
out The std::ostream to print help to.

void printVersion(parser, stream);

Prints the version information of the parser to a stream.


parser The ArgumenParser to print for.
stream The std::ostream to print to.

void setAppName(parser, name);

Sets application name of ArgumentParser.


parser The ArgumentParser to set the name of.
name The application name, std::string.

void setCategory(parser, category);

Sets category of ArgumentParser.


parser The ArgumentParser to set the category of.
category The category to set, std::string.

void setDate(parser, date);

Sets date string of ArgumentParser.


parser The ArgumentParser to set the date string of.
date The date string to set, std::string.

void setDefaultValue(parser, name, v);

Set the default value of an option of an ArgumentParser.


parser The ArgumentParser to set the default value to.
name The short or long name of the argument (std::string).
v The value to set (template parameter, must be streamable into a std::stringstream).

void setHelpText(parser, name, text); void setHelpText(parser, pos, text);

Set the help text of an option or argument.


parser The ArgumentParser object.
name The name of the option to set the help text for (std::string).
pos The position of the argument to set the help text for.
text The string to use for the help text (std::string).

void setMaxValue(parser, name, v); void setMaxValue(parser, pos, v);

Set largest allowed value for an option or argument of an ArgumentParser.


parser The ArgumentParser to set the maximal value for.
name The name of the option to set the maximal value for (std::string).
pos The position of the argument to set the maximal value for (unsigned, 0-based).
v The maximal value to set (std::string).


The option/argument must have an integer or double type.

void setMinValue(parser, name, v); void setMinValue(parser, pos, v);

Set smallest allowed value for an option or argument of an ArgumentParser.


parser The ArgumentParser to set the minimal value for.
name The name of the option to set the minimal value for (std::string).
pos The position of the argument to set the minimal value for (unsigned, 0-based).
v The minimal value to set (std::string).


The option/argument must have an integer or double type.

void setRequired(parser, name[, required]).

Sets whether or not the option with the givne name is mandatory.


parser The ArgumentParser to set the flag of.
name The short or long name of the option (std::string).
required Whether or not the option is required (bool, default to true).

void setShortDescription(parser, desc);

Sets shortDescription of ArgumentParser.


parser The ArgumentParser to set the short description of.
desc The short description, std::string.

void setValidValues(parser, name, values); void setValidValues(parser, pos, values);

Set valid values for an argumetn or option of an ArgumentParser.


parser The ArgumentParser to set the default values to.
name The name of the option (std::string).
pos The position of the argument (unsigned, 0-based).
values The values to set. Either a std::string with the values as space-separated list or a std::vector<std::string> with the values.

void setVersion(parser, version);

Sets version of ArgumentParser.


parser The ArgumentParser to set the version of.
version The version string to set, std::string.

bool writeCTD(parser[, stream]);

Export the app's interface description to a .ctd file.


parser The ArgumentParser to write the CTD file for.
stream A std::ostream to write to. If omitted an output file with the name form the "write-ctd" parameter of the parser is used.


bool true on success, false on failure.