Class BamTagsDict
Indexes start positions of BAM tags in a CharString and provides a dict-like API.

Defined in <seqan/bam_io.h>
Signature class BamTagsDict;

Member Function Overview

Interface Function Overview

Detailed Description


#include <iostream>
#include <seqan/file.h>
#include <seqan/bam_io.h>

using namespace seqan;

int main()
	CharString bamStr, samStr = "AA:Z:value1\tAB:Z:value2\tAC:i:30";
	assignTagsSamToBam(bamStr, samStr);
	BamTagsDict tags(bamStr);
	std::cout << length(tags) << std::endl;  // #=> "3"
	for (unsigned id = 0; id < length(tags); ++id)
	    std::cout << getTagKey(tags, id) << " -> ";

	    if (getTagType(tags, id) == 'i')  // is 32 bit integer
	        __int32 x = 0;
	        bool res = extractTagValue(x, tags, id);
	        SEQAN_ASSERT_MSG(res, "Not a valid integer at pos %u!", id);
	        std::cout << x;
	    if (getTagType(tags, id) == 'Z')  // is string
	        CharString str;
	        bool res = extractTagValue(str, tags, id);
	        SEQAN_ASSERT_MSG(res, "Not a valid string at pos %u!", id);
	        std::cout << '"' << str << '"';

        std::cout << std::endl;

    return 0;

Output is:

AA -> "value1"
AB -> "value2"
AC -> 30

See Also

Member Functions Detail



Interface Functions Detail

bool appendTagValue(tags, key, val[, typeC]);

Append a tag/value pair to a BamTagsDict.


tags The BamTagsDict to modify.
key The key of the tag. Must be a sequence of length 2.
val The value to set the tag to.
typeC BAM type char to use. For portability (so the generated files are the same on all platforms), use a signed/unsigned qualified type for val or give typeC. Also see the remarks for getBamTypeChar. Types: getBamTypeChar@.


bool true on success, false on failure. This function can fail if the key is not a valid tag id (e.g. does not have length 2) or if the type of val is not an atomic value or a string (anything but char *, char const *, a character, integer or float type is invalid).


setTagValue behaves like appendTagValue if key was not part of tags before. However, in this case appendTagValue is faster.

void buildIndex(bamTags);

Build index for a BamTagsDict object.


bamTags The BamTagsDict object to build the index for.

bool eraseTag(tagsDict, key);

Erase a tag from BamTagsDict.


tagsDict The BamTagsDict to erase the tag from.
key The key of the tag to erase.


bool true if the tag could be erased, false if the key wasn't present.

bool extractTagValue(dest, tags, id)

Extract and cast "atomic" value from tags string with index id.


dest The variable to write the value to.The value is first copied in a variable of the type indicated in the BAM file. Then it is cast into the type of dest.
tags The BamTagsDict object to query.
id The id of the tag to extract the value from. See findTagKey.


bool true if the value could be extracted.


The function only works for atomic types such as int, not for char* or arrays.

See BamTagsDict for an example.

bool findTagKey(id, tagsDict, key);

Find a tag by its key for a BamTagsDict object.


id The id of the found tag.
tagsDict The BamTagsDict to query.
key The key to query for: CharString.


bool true if the key could be found and false otherwise.

TKey getTagKey(tagsDict, id);

Return key of a tag by index.


tagsDict The BamTagsDict to query.
id The index of the dict entry.


TKey An infix of a CharString. Will be a two-character char sequence.

char getTagType(tags, id);

Returns the tag type char for an entry of a BamTagsDict.


tags The BamTagsDict to query.
id The id of the tag for which to determine the type. See findTagKey.


char A char that identifies the tag type.

bool hasIndex(dict);

Returns whether the BamTagsDict has an index.


dict The BamTagsDict to query.


bool true if dict has an index and false otherwise.

unsigned length(tagsDict);

Returns the number of entries in a BamTagsDict.


tagsDict The BamTagsDict object to query for its length.


TSize The number of entries in the BamTagsDict. TSize is the result of Size<BamTagsDict>::Type.

bool setTagValue(tags, key, val[, typeC]);

Set the value of a tag through a BamTagsDict.


tags The BamTagsDict to modify.
key The key of the tag. Must be a sequence of length 2.
val The value to set the tag to.
typeC BAM type char to use. For portability (so the generated files are the same on all platforms), use a signed/unsigned qualified type for val or give typeC. Also see the remarks for getBamTypeChar. Types: getBamTypeChar@.


bool true on success, false on failure. This function can fail if the key is not a valid tag id (e.g. does not have length 2) or if the type of val is not an atomic value or a string (anything but char *, char const *, a character, integer or float type is invalid).


Note that setTagValue does not cast the type, so typeC only influences the type character written out but val is written out in binary without modification.


An example setting some atomic tag values.

CharString rawTagsText;
BamTagsDict tags(rawTagsText);
setTagValue(tags, "XA", 9);    // int
setTagValue(tags, "XB", 9u);   // unsigned int
setTagValue(tags, "XC", 'X');  // char

If char is equal to __int8 or __uint8 then the last line produces an entry with type 'c' or 'C'. To make sure that the type char 'A' (for "printable character") is written to the file, give it explicitely:

setTagValue(tags, "XC", 'X', 'A');  // Overrwrite XC, enforce type 'printable character'.

Note that on most systems ints have a width of 32 bytes, but the C++ standard leaves this open. For all types but characters, you should not give an explicit type char but use one of the types with explicit width and signed/unsigned qualifier such as __int32, __uint32 etc.

// The following is not recommended since the type of <tt>x</tt> is not "unsigned 32 bit int."
__int32 x = -1;
setTagValue(tags, "XB", x, 'I');
// Instead, explicitely use an unsigned type if you need one.  Note that your compiler
// might warn you about assigning -1 to an unsigned variable so you know that you are
// probably doing something unintended.
__uint32 y = -1;
setTagValue(tags, "XB", y);

// Do not do this!
setTagValue(tags, "XA", 9, 'f');    // BOGUS since 9 is not a floating point number.

See Also