Class Graph
Graph class.

Implements ContainerConcept
All Subcl's AlignmentGraph, Automaton, DirectedGraph, HmmGraph, Tree, UndirectedGraph, WordGraph
All Impl'd AssignableConcept, ContainerConcept, DestructibleConcept
Defined in <seqan/graph_types.h>
Signature template <[typename TSpec]> class Graph;

Template Parameters

TSpec The specializing type. Default: Directed<>.

Member Function Overview

Member Functions Inherited From AssignableConcept

Interface Function Overview

Interface Functions Inherited From AssignableConcept

Interface Functions Inherited From ContainerConcept

Interface Metafunction Overview

Interface Metafunctions Inherited From ContainerConcept

Detailed Description


This is an example for Dijktra's algorithm on a directed graph with an external property map. The property map labels the edges with weights. The xample only outputs distances, not th edetails of the paths.

// A tutorial about the dijkstra's algorithm, once using an external map and once using an internal map.
#include <iostream>
#include <seqan/graph_algorithms.h>

using namespace seqan;

int main() {
    typedef Graph<Directed<> > TGraph;

    // Graph creation: 10 directed edges (0,1), (0,3), ...
    TGraph g;
    Size<TGraph>::Type numEdges = 10;
    VertexDescriptor<TGraph>::Type edges[] = {0,1, 0,3, 1,2, 1,3, 2,4, 3,1, 3,2, 3,4, 4,0, 4,2};
    addEdges(g, edges, numEdges);

    // One external property map: Weight map	
    unsigned int weights[] =    {10,  5,   1,   2,   4,   3,   9,   2,   7,   6};
    String<unsigned int> weightMap;
    assignEdgeMap(g, weightMap, weights);

    // Out-parameters: Predecessor and distance map
    String<unsigned int> predMap;
    String<unsigned int> distMap;

    // Dijkstra from vertex 0 (single source shortest paths)
    dijkstra(g, 0, weightMap, predMap, distMap);

    // Output distances of shortest paths
    Iterator<TGraph, VertexIterator>::Type it(g);
    while(!atEnd(it)) {
        std::cout << "Distance from 0 to " << getValue(it) << ": ";
        std::cout << getProperty(distMap, getValue(it)) << std::endl;
    return 0;

The output of the distances is as follows:

Distance from 0 to 0: 0
Distance from 0 to 1: 8
Distance from 0 to 2: 9
Distance from 0 to 3: 5
Distance from 0 to 4: 7

Interface Functions Detail

TEdgeDescriptor addEdge(g, source, target, label[, cargo]); TEdgeDescriptor addEdge(g, source, target, cargo);

Adds a new edge to a graph, either with or without cargo.


g The Graph to add the edge to.
source Descriptor of the source vertex.
source Descriptor of the target vertex.
label Label of the edge, of alphabet type of the Automaton.
cargo Cargo object for the edge.


TEdgeDescriptor Descriptor of the added edge.


For Automaton objects, a label is required but the label can only be given for Automatons.

void addEdges(graph, edges, size);

Shortcut to add multiple edges at once; vertices are created implicitely.


graph The Graph to add the edges to.
edges An array of vertex descriptions.
size Size of the array. Must be a even.

It is assumed that the edges in edges are stored as an array of vertex ids: source1, target1, source2, target2, .... For a tree, the root must be the first vertex in this array and the enumeration is parent, child, parent, child.

TVertexDescriptor addVertex(g);

Add a vertex to a graph.


g The Graph to add a vertex to.


TVertexDescriptor The descriptor of the added vertex.

assignEdgeMap(g, pm, prop)

Initializes a vertex map with values of an array.


g A Graph.
pm An External or Internal Property Map. Types: ExternalPropertyMap, InternalMap, InternalPointerMap, InternalRawMap
prop An array with properties that are to be assigned to the items in the property map.


For every edge id there must be an entry in the array.

void assignVertexMap(g, pm, prop)

Initializes a vertex map with values of an array.


g A Graph.
pm An External Property Map. Types: ExternalPropertyMap
prop An array with properties that are to be assigned to the items in the property map.


For every vertex descriptor there must be an entry in the array.

void clear(g);

Remove all edges and vertices from a graph.


g The graph to remove edges and vertices from.

void clearEdges(g);

Removes all edges from a graph.


g The graph to remove the edges from.

void clearVertices(g);

Removes all vertices from a graph.


g The graph to remove the vertices from.

TSize degree(g, v);

Return degree of a vertex.


g The Graph to query.
v The descriptor of the vertex to query for its degree.


TSize The number of edges adjacent to vertex v.

bool empty(g);

Returns whether there are no vertices and edges in the graph or not.


g The Graph to query.


bool true if g is empty and false if not.

TEdgeDescriptor findEdge(g, v, c); TEdgeDescriptor findEdge(g, v, w);

Finds an edge.


g The Graph to query.
v The descriptor of the source vertex.
c An edge label.
w The descriptor of the target descriptor.


TEdgeDescriptor Edge descriptor of the found edge. 0 if not present. NB: in automatons, there is always a valid edge descriptor but the target may be nil.


In an automaton, an edge is uniquely defined by a vertex and a label. In all other graphs, two adjacent vertices uniquely define an edge. If tehre are multiple edges between two vertices then the behaviour is undefined.

void getAdjacencyMatrix(g, matrix);

Build an adjacency matrix representation of the graph.


g The Graph to compute ajacency matrix for.
matrix A String filled with n * n elements of IntegerConcept where matrix[i + n * j] gives the edge count between vertices i and j.

T getNil(ptr); T getNil<T>();

Returning a "nil" value for graphs.


ptr Pointer to T to select the type.


T Pseudo nil value for type T.

Usefulf or various graph algorithms, e.g. missing predecessors or vertices that have not been visited.

TSize inDegree(g, v);

Return in degree of a vertex.


g The Graph to query.
v The descriptor of the vertex to query for its in degree.


TSize The number of in edges to vertex v.

TSize numEdges(g);

Returns the number of edges in a graph.


g The Graph to query for its number of edges.


TSize The number of edges. TSize is the size type of g.

TSize numVertices(g);

Returns the number of vertices in a graph.


g The Graph to query for its number of vertices.


TSize The number of vertices. TSize is the size type of g.

TSize outDegree(g, v);

Return out degree of a vertex.


g The Graph to query.
v The descriptor of the vertex to query for its out degree.


TSize The number of out edges from vertex v.

void removeEdge(g, source, target[, label]); void removeEdge(g, e);

Removes an edge from the graph. For automatons, a label is required.


g The Graph to remove the edge from.
source Descriptor of the source vertex.
target Descriptor of the target vertex.
e Descriptor of the edge to remove.

void removeOutEdges(g, v);

Removes the incoming edges of a given vertex.


g The Graph to remove the edges from.
v The descriptor of the vertex to remove incoming edges from.

void removeOutEdges(g, v);

Removes the outgoing edges of a given vertex.


g The Graph to remove the edges from.
v The descriptor of the vertex to remove outgoing edges from.

void removeVertex(g, v);

Remove a vertex from a Graph.


g The Graph to remove the vertex from.
v The descriptor of the vertex to remove.

void resizeEdgeMap(g, pm [, prototype])

Initializes an edge map


g A Graph.
pm An External or Internal Property Map. Types: ExternalPropertyMap, InternalMap, InternalPointerMap, InternalRawMap
prototype An optional prototype that is used for initializing the property map.

void resizeVertexMap(g, pm [, prototype])

Initializes a vertex map.


g A Graph.
pm An External Property Map. Type: ExternalPropertyMap
prototype An optional prototype that is used for initializing the property map.

TVertexDescriptor sourceVertex(g, e); TVertexDescriptor sourceVertex(it);

Returns the source vertex of an edge.


g The Graph the edge is in.
e The descriptor of the edge to remove.
it An edge iterator.


In a tree, the source vertex is always the child. In an undirected graph, the larger vertex descriptor of the two end points i the source. For an out-edge iterator, the source is always the OutEdgeIterator has been initialized with.

TVertexDescriptor targetVertex(g, e); TVertexDescriptor targetVertex(it);

Returns the target vertex of an edge.


g The Graph the edge is in.
e The descriptor of the edge to remove.
it An edge iterator.


In a tree, the target vertex is always the child. In an undirected graph, the larger vertex descriptor of the two end points i the target. For an out-edge iterator, the target is always the OutEdgeIterator has not been initialized with.

void transpose(source, dest); void transpose(g);

Transposes a graph, either in place or from source to dest.


source The input Graph.
dest The output Graph.
g The Graph to transpose.

void write(file, graph[, nodeMap[, edgeMap]], tag);

The graph to write out.


file The StreamConcept to write to.
graph The Graph to write out.
nodeMap Vertex labels for each vertex; optional.
edgeMap Edge label for each edge; optional.
tag Format tag to use for writing. Types: DotDrawing.

Interface Metafunctions Detail


Type for the graph's cargo.

Template Parameters

T The Graph type to query.


Type The resulting cargo type.


Type of an object that represents an edge descriptor.

Template Parameters

T The Graph type to query.


Type The resulting edge descriptor type.

The edge descriptor is a unique handle to a given edge in a graph. It is used in various graph functions, e.g. to remove edges, to assign cargo to an edge or to get the end points of an edge. It is also used to attache properties to edges via property maps.


EdgeDescriptor<Graph<> >::Type ed;  // eD is an edge descriptor


Type of an object that represents an IdManager.

Template Parameters

T The Graph to query.


Type The IdManager type.

The exact IdManager type depends on the edge stump type. If the edge stump has no ids then the IdManager simply counts edge ids and otherwise it manages a list of free and used ids.


Edge type of a graph class.

Template Parameters

T The Graph type to query.


Type The resulting edge stump type that is used in the graph.


EdgeType<TGraph>::Type e;  // e is an edge in a TGraph


Size type of the Graph.

Template Parameters

TGraph The graph type to query for its size type.


Type The size type.


Type of an object that repreestns an IdManager.

Template Parameters

T The Graph to query.


Type The IdManager type.