Class LF
LF is an object storing all necessary information for the LF-mapping.

Defined in <seqan/Index.h>
Signature template <typename TText, typename TSpec, typename TConfig> struct LF;

Template Parameters

TText The type of the text the LF table is constructed from.
TSpec A possibility to specialize the LF table. Default: void
TConfig A configuration object for easily defining the LF table fibres.

Interface Function Overview

Interface Functions Detail

void clear(lfTable);

Resets the LF table.


lfTable The LF table to be cleared.

void createLF(lfTable, text, sa);

Creates the LF table


lfTable The LF table to be constructed.
text The underlying text Types: String.
sa The suffix array of the LF table underlying text. Types: String, StringSet.


TReturn Returns a bool which is true on successes and false otherwise.

bool empty(lfTable);

Clears the LF table.


lfTable The LF table to be checked.


bool true if the LF table is empty, false otherwise.

TFibre getFibre(lfTable, fibreTag);

Returns a specific fibre of a LF table.


fibreTag A tag that identifies the Fibre. Types: LFTableFibres
lfTable The LF table.


TFibre A reference to the Fibre object of type Fibre<LF<TText, TSpec, TConfig>, FibrePrefixSums>::Type

lfMapping(lfTable, pos)

Returns the position of an character at a specified position of L in F. L corresponds to the last column of the sorted cyclic rotations of the original text, while F correspond to the first column.


lfTable The LF holding the occurrence and prefix sum table.
pos The position in L. Types: UnsignedIntegerConcept


TReturn Returns the position of the character L[c] in F. The returned position is of the same type as pos. Types: The type of the position.

bool open(lfTable, fileName[, openMode]);

This functions loads a LF table from disk.


lfTable The LF object.
fileName C-style character string containing the file name.
openMode The combination of flags defining how the file should be opened. To open a file read-only, write-only or to read and write use OPEN_RDONLY, OPEN_WRONLY, or OPEN_RDWR. To create or overwrite a file add OPEN_CREATE. To append a file if existing add OPEN_APPEND. To circumvent problems, files are always opened in binary mode. Default: OPEN_RDWR | OPEN_CREATE | OPEN_APPEND.


bool true on success.

bool save(lfTable, fileName[, openMode]);

This functions saves a LF table to disk.


lfTable The LF object to save.
fileName C-style character string containing the file name.
openMode The combination of flags defining how the file should be opened. To open a file read-only, write-only or to read and write use OPEN_RDONLY, OPEN_WRONLY, or OPEN_RDWR. To create or overwrite a file add OPEN_CREATE. To append a file if existing add OPEN_APPEND. To circumvent problems, files are always opened in binary mode. Default: OPEN_RDWR | OPEN_CREATE | OPEN_APPEND.


bool true on success.