Class PriorityType
STores items in such a way that the item with the highest priority is at the top.

All Subcl's PriorityHeap
Defined in <seqan/misc/priority_type_base.h>
Signature template <[typename TValue[, typename TLess[, typename TSpec]]]> class PriorityType;

Template Parameters

TValue The value type. Default: int.
TLess The less-than comparator. Default: std::less<TValue>.
TSpec The specialization. Default: PriorityHeap.

Interface Function Overview

Interface Functions Detail

void adjustTop(pq);

Adjusts the priority of the first item.


pq The PriorityType to adjust.

void clear(pq);

Remove all elements from the PriorityType.


pq PriorityType to clear.

bool empty(pq);

Query priority queue for beging empty.


pq The PriorityType to query.


bool true if pq queue is empty.

TSize length(pq);

Return number of elements in priority queue.


pq The PriorityType to query.


TSize Number of elements in priority queue.

void push(pq);

Deletes item with the highest priority and adjusts the priority queue.


pq The PriorityType to pop from.

void push(pq, element);

Inserts a new item and adjusts the priority queue if necessary.


pq The PriorityType to push to.
element The element to push.

TReference top(pq);

Reference to the item with the highest priority.


pq The PriorityType to query.


TReference The result, reference to Value type.